This is another one that came to mind. Many, many years ago, my younger brother worked at a Radio Shack. A customer came in to return something faulty. My brother was like, 'no way, you broke it'. The the customer demanded to speak to the manager. After confronting the manager, my brother was told to give the customer new parts, or issue a refund, based on whatever the customer wanted. You know that the customer was trying to return? Fuses. Yep, fuses; that the customer had blown. A whole package of 5 of them.... So, there will be the one's who buy stuff, without understanding what they really are, or how to properly use them. And then want the seller to refund their money. So I kinda get why some sellers have high prices, otherwise they have to eat the costs of issues caused by the buyer once they go to use the part. Okay, I'm up to 4 cents now....