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Sharing a folder with etherdfs on parallel lpt port, doesn't work

Sep 3, 2023
Hi, nice community: as subject I'm trying to share some stuff with etherdfs, using three pc: a modern Ubuntu 24.04 pc with 16Gb ram, a Celeron 533 pc, 256Mb ram, with ms-dos 6.20, and an old Frael King with NEC V20 CPU 768k ram, with ms-dos 6.22. They are connected as follows:
The NEC V20 with the Celeron by parallel port, and the Celeron with the Ubuntu 24.04 with an ethernet cable.
So I started creating a FAT32 filesystem-in-a-file image in the Ubuntu PC, put some stuff in It, and mount It in the mnt/dos folder; then I started the etherdfs server on the ethernet lan and in the mnt/dos mount point.
Everything ok up to now; then I manually started the lan driver on the Celeron pc with 0x60 (IRQ?) (the card is a Linksys Ether16, 16 bit ISA in a 16 bit isa slot, which I've read It's NE2000 compatible, so I've used the NE2000 packet driver), started the PLIP driver on the same machine with 0x61 (just typed "plip 0x61") started the Plip driver with 0x62 on the NEC V20 machine ("plip 0x62"), and finally I've started the YAPCBR program, on the Celeron machine, to act like an ethernet switch; then I started the etherdfs client: I° attempt: etherdfs :: C-Z: "no server found", then I've tried to specify the ethernet (=MAC?) address of the ethernet card of the Ubuntu machine, (confirmed after running etherdfs server side) , by typing "etherdfs (ethenet or mac address given by the server) C-Z".
As a result is the NEC V20 creates a Z: drive, but entering and typing dir, It gives an empty directory.
An important thing is that when I started the NE2000 driver on the Celeron the ethernet/mac address is "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", and the Plip driver, on the same machine gives "00:00:00:00:00:00", the plip on the NEC V20 is the same "00:00:00:00:00:00"; I was expecting something more articulated as address in all the machines; I've tried also to specify the server mac/ethernet address in the plip command: no way to have anything but an empty "Z:" drive.
To do this I relied on a youtube video, which I can link, if I'm allowed to, and a "gopher" post, linked in the official etherdfs website.
I've searched infos on this forums, but I didn't find a case similar to mine; I've tried to link directly the NEC V20 and the Ubuntu machine, by using another card (NE2000 8 bit isa ethernet card) by direct ethernet connection, and I had success, but I'd like to use the parallel port, since I've got only four ISA slots, and they're all occupied by other cards.
I hope I have been exhaustive, and not too prolix.
Thanx in advance for the help.

Montezuma III/Casino Ambulante