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Search results

  1. Lawrence Woodman

    Why does the colour map move on the VIC-20?

    Hello, Does anyone know why the colour map moves between $9400 and $9600 on the Vic? Is there a reason it couldn't stay at a single location such as $9400? I've wondered about this for a while and there is probably an obvious reason that I'm missing but I would love to know. My interest in...
  2. Lawrence Woodman

    Commodore Image (Picture) Format Origins

    Hello, I've been looking at the .CBM images on the Walnut Creek CD and while I've been able to find a program to view them, I'm not 100% sure about the image formats. I think the ones beginning gg may have been created by Koala Painter and the ones beginning with jj were created by Doodle...
  3. Lawrence Woodman

    Sinclair Spectrum CP/M 2.2 - Creating Fuse Compatible Disk Images

    Hello, I've been experimenting with CP/M 2.2 on an emulated Spectrum +3 using the Fuse emulator, but am having problems creating disk images for it. I have been comparing basic benchmarks across computers and would love to run the benchmark I have written using basic-80 (mbasic) on the...
  4. Lawrence Woodman

    Bank switching on the c128 for peeks and pokes

    Hello, I'm having some trouble understanding the use of Bank in C128 basic. I'm currently working through theAdvent of Code challenges doing a different language for each day. For day 6 I've decided to use basic on the C128, however I need to store a map about 128k in size. Therefore I was...
  5. Lawrence Woodman

    FREE: Random 386/486 era hardware (Collection only: Bristol, UK)

    Hello all, I have been busy clearing out my loft and have the following equipment which I no longer need: 2 x NCD Explora (XA) x-terminal stations - Only one has the 18v PSU block. 1 x Sony SDT-7200 SCSI Tape Drive Lots of memory including the following which happened to be labeled: 12 x 4mb...
  6. Lawrence Woodman

    xAce (Jupiter Ace Emulator) is in active development and looking for contributors.

    Hello all, I have been in touch with Edward Patel, the author of xAce and he is happy to see xAce development continued. I know that there are people working on their own patches and alterations, it would be great if we could all work together to get the most out of this emulator and to make...
  7. Lawrence Woodman

    Backups under CP/M

    I've been thinking more about CP/M recently and have become really quite interested in doing more with it. I have never used a CP/M machine with a HDD, so am curious how people used to backup their HDDs under CP/M; were there tape drives readily available? While we are on the subject, how did...
  8. Lawrence Woodman

    Do many people here manage to earn a living from their vintage computer hobby?

    From time to time I see people earning a living from their vintage computer hobby. Some write and sell games. Some repair old computers. Some even maintain legacy production systems. It must be great to be able to devote your time to your hobby. I'm thinking of ways that I also could earn...