Yeah, that's crazy expensive, and it really does highlight how easy it is for people to abuse the for-sale section by shifting from "For Sale" to "Looking for Offers"... Maybe we should have a "Looking for offers" section as well for dropins.
You can get good condition z88s for very little from the UK, They show up regularly if infrequently.
What annoys me most is what I perceive as the seller's dishonesty. The moment I see words like "Saved" the seller comes across as disingenous. I could forgive it if they posted something like, "I got this for nothing, and I'm looking to get as much as I can for this." because at least then they would be being honest about their intent. It's not illegal, or immoral, but it's absolutely someone looking to take advantage of another person, and comes off like a snake oils salesman.
If they use Ebay to determine the value, then I would encourage them to put it on Ebay at $1 starting bid and find out what it's really worth. This for sale section will no doubt be flooded by people like this in the future. Refusing to deal with them is in the best interests of all collectors.
There is value in junk collectors saving stuff. I absolutely agree with that. So just put the stuff on ebay and let the market decide it's value. Keep in mind there are also people who don't even own what they resell, but they find items on other sites (eg, Japanese, UK sites) and then advertise the same item at a much higher price than they think the item will go for locally, then if they sell the item, they go and buy the original, ship it and take a cut.
I even wondered if this might be a scam since the first and last pictures are clearly taken in different settings, but the scuffs on both appear the same, even if the dirt moves around. But the ridiculously high prices for z88s on Ebay looks a bit strange... Even if you offered $1, you would overpay so much for shipping that the item still effectively costs more than the market value.
For reference, z88s come up regularly and should cost around $200 including shipping from the UK to the US... I paid around AU$150 for mine last year, including shipping. There are a LOT of these still in the UK, since they are small enough to fit in bookshelves, attics, etc, and don't take up a large box of space. I have a couple of them. I stopped collecting them because I was too tempted every time they came up cheap.
2068's are rarer in my experience.
There's also the Amstrad version - well, similar in look and feel, but no connection outside of the Amstrad owning Sinclair after 1986.
These also regularly come in boxes, because the box was something most people stored them in, so when they find them, boxes are usually included. Memory cards are a little harder to find in the sale though.