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Cromemco JS-1 Joystick Replica


Okay, I have successfully taught ChatGPT how to write DZMBASIC programs ... this last bunch all came from slight modifications of the first ChatGPT OCTAGONS.BAS ...

From that program I made a few slight changes for HEXADECIMAL, PENTAGON and SQUARES programs ...

Now other people need to learn how to feed the correct instructions into ChatGPT and get working programs!

I wish ChatGPT could learn 8080 and Z80 assembly language better, but I keep running into the limits as I try working with assembly language programs.

20240912 DAZZLER Squares 2 Octagons2

This is so much fun!


One of the subjects in the ZOOM meeting DAZZLER discussions was about "Screen Savers" ...

So I wrote one ... I may have to improve on it a little more tomorrow:

Hi, Here's a program listing for another type of screensaver:

0 REM Random DOTs on a Line LINES0.BAS.txt

10 REM Random Dots with Shifting Rows in DZMBASIC
20 RANDOMIZE : REM Initialize random number generator
30 GOSUB 1000 : REM Clear the screen
40 GOSUB 3000
90 GOTO 10
99 GOSUB 9000

1000 REM Clear the screen
1010 DZOP "C",16 : REM Set color to black
1020 DZOP "P",0,0
1030 DZOP "R",255,255 : REM Clear the screen

3000 REM Draw a new random row of dots at the top
3005 FOR Y = 255 TO 0 STEP -2
3010 FOR X = 0 TO 255

3020 COLOR = INT(RND * 7) + 17 : REM Random color between 17 and 23
3030 DZOP "C", COLOR
3040 DZOP "P", X,Y : REM Set position at the top row (y=0)
3050 DZOP "D" : REM Plot the random dot
3060 NEXT X
3065 GOSUB 1000
3070 NEXT Y

9000 REM End Routine
9010 FOR G = 0 TO 1
9020 PRINT CHR$(7)
9030 FOR PAUSE = 0 TO 499 : NEXT PAUSE
9040 NEXT G
9990 END


Did a demo video of EXPLOSNS.BAS

This DAZZLER program is a little different ...


100 ' Initialize the DAZZLER
110 DZOP "I"
120 ' Explosion parameters
130 NUMDOTS = 200 ' Total number of dots in the explosion
140 MAXRADIUS = 50 ' Maximum explosion radius (half of 100-dot diameter)
150 ' Loop for multiple explosions
160 FOR EXPLOSION = 1 TO 10 ' Create 10 explosions with moving centers
170 ' Clear the DAZZLER display before each explosion
180 DZOP "Z"
190 ' Randomly set the center of the explosion within the 0-255 range
200 CX = INT(RND * (255 - 2 * MAXRADIUS)) + MAXRADIUS
210 CY = INT(RND * (255 - 2 * MAXRADIUS)) + MAXRADIUS
220 ' Loop to display dots in expanding radius layers
230 FOR RADIUS = 1 TO MAXRADIUS STEP 5 ' Gradually increase radius from 1 to
240 ' Display a set of dots for the current radius
250 FOR I = 1 TO NUMDOTS / 10 ' Fewer dots at each radius
260 ' Random angle for each dot
270 ANGLE = RND * 6.28318 ' Random angle in radians (2 * PI)
290 ' Calculate X and Y position of the dot based on the expanding radius
320 ' Ensure X and Y are within 0-255 range
330 XPOS = INT(X)
340 YPOS = INT(Y)
350 IF XPOS < 0 THEN XPOS = 0
360 IF XPOS > 255 THEN XPOS = 255
370 IF YPOS < 0 THEN YPOS = 0
380 IF YPOS > 255 THEN YPOS = 255
390 ' Select a random color between 17 and 23
400 COLOR = 17 + INT(RND * 7)
410 ' Set the current color
430 ' Move cursor to calculated position and display dot
450 DZOP "D"
460 NEXT I
480 ' Wait a short time between explosions
490 DZOP "W", 50
510 ' End the program
520 GOTO 120

>>> The D+7A boards analog outputs originate from its DAC and can put out a sine wave, but I'm not sure if the musical note system involved in the software referred to here, is doing that, or just outputting a square wave. The transistor amplifier in the Joystick box is an analog amplifier not switching amplifier. The circuit has no gain and is an emitter follower and follows the analog output from the OP amp fed by the DAC. A mild LPF would/could help the sound. My altered version of it has no gain either, it just converts the impedance.

@Hugo Holden / @nullvalue,

Good spot there about the emitter follower. I didn't spot that for some reason. However, if you look around the web, you will see two (2) designs for the JS-1. In one design, there is a 100 Ohm speaker between +5V and -5V. In the other design, there is a 45 Ohm speaker between +5V and 0V.

There is no doubt in my mind that the audio sounds 'better' in the case of the LM386 amplifier than with the single transistor emitter follower design of the JS-1. I wonder if there is an issue somewhere with half of the cycle being missing?

My music program outputs sine waves - well, four sine waves of the appropriate frequency for the notes summed together and NOT a horrid square wave.

In fact, the four 'voices' can have differently-shaped waveforms to give them a different timbre if required.

If you look back to post #361 of this thread you will find a link to a separate VCFED thread where we discuss the MUSIC program. This (in turn) contains a link to the Byte Magazine 1977 Volume 2 Number 9 issue where (on page 62) it describes the 6502 version of the MUSIC program. The Byte article also contains the hardware for the DAC, amplifier and (on page 76) the low-pass filter required. There may be some changes required to the filter schematic. It is expecting an analogue value in the range 0V to +5V, whereas the D+7A outputs +/- 2.x (ish) Volts (if I remember correctly) by default.

I have been checking my note transcription from the original Byte article and, apart from one minor error I have found (a duration of 15 instead of 16 - which appears to be not noticeable), I have a reasonably faithful transcription. I must, therefore conclude that the one major error I can hear is due to an original article error. I have looked through a small number of subsequent "Byte's Bugs" and found no mention of anything. However, the page from Volume 02 Number 11 (page 37) appears to be missing from the scanned article.

I will have a look around and see if I can find the actual music score online - or give it to one of my music friends and see if they can spot the error.


Okay, got another step towards subroutines for the "Zombie Escape" game ... a sort of Etch-A-Sketch using keyboard inputs:


10 REM Initialize DAZZLER and Clear the Screen
20 GOSUB 9000 : REM Clear the screen
30 X = 128 : REM Starting X position (center)
40 Y = 128 : REM Starting Y position (center)
50 CURSORCOLOR = 23 : REM Initial blinking color (white)
60 USERCOLOR = 16 : REM Default user color (black)
70 PREVX = X : REM Track previous X position
80 PREVY = Y : REM Track previous Y position

100 REM Main loop
110 GOSUB 200 : REM Draw the blinking cursor
120 GOSUB 300 : REM Wait for keypress and move cursor
130 GOTO 110 : REM Repeat the loop

200 REM Subroutine to draw blinking cursor
210 DZOP "P", PREVX, PREVY : REM Position at previous position
220 DZOP "C", USERCOLOR : REM Set previous dot to user-selected color
230 DZOP "D" : REM Draw the previous dot
240 PREVX = X : REM Update previous X to current
250 PREVY = Y : REM Update previous Y to current

260 DZOP "P", X, Y : REM Position at current X, Y
270 DZOP "C", CURSORCOLOR : REM Set color for blinking cursor
280 DZOP "D" : REM Draw the cursor dot


300 REM Subroutine to handle keypress and move cursor
310 PRINT "Enter direction (L, R, U, D): ";
320 INPUT DIRECTION$ : REM Get direction from user

330 PRINT "Enter steps (1-999): ";
340 INPUT STEPS : REM Get number of steps (1-999)
350 IF STEPS < 1 OR STEPS > 999 THEN PRINT "Invalid steps!" : RETURN

360 REM Handle direction and move cursor
370 IF DIRECTION$ = "L" AND X > 0 THEN X = X - STEPS : IF X < 0 THEN X = 0 : REM Prevent going off screen
380 IF DIRECTION$ = "R" AND X < 255 THEN X = X + STEPS : IF X > 255 THEN X = 255 : REM Prevent going off screen
390 IF DIRECTION$ = "U" AND Y > 0 THEN Y = Y + STEPS : IF Y < 0 THEN Y = 0 : REM Prevent going off screen
400 IF DIRECTION$ = "D" AND Y < 255 THEN Y = Y - STEPS : IF Y > 255 THEN Y = 255 : REM Prevent going off screen

410 GOSUB 200 : REM Draw the new blinking cursor at the new position

420 PRINT "Enter color (1-8 for colors 16-23): ";
430 INPUT COLORNUM : REM Get color number from user

9000 REM Clear the Screen Routine
9010 DZOP "C", 16 : REM Set color to black
9020 DZOP "P", 0, 0 : REM Position cursor at (0, 0)
9030 DZOP "R", 255, 255 : REM Fill the screen with black
