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Texas looking for dec pdp-11 system under $1000.00 in Texas

Covers: Texas


Apr 7, 2023
D/FW area Texas, USA
I thought i had a lead on an 11/84 system, but the owner found an error 62 - cache error - when he powered up the machine. Just curious if someone attending VCF SouthWest might have one for sale. Would entertain a PiDP-11 if the cost was reasonable.
> "Would entertain a PiDP-11 if the cost was reasonable."

You can build the kit, just order a PCB online and buy the components.
This way you won't have the bezel, but I believe this can be 3D printed online, nor the front cover in painted plexiglass, and more annoying you will have ordinary buttons.
> "Would entertain a PiDP-11 if the cost was reasonable."

You can build the kit, just order a PCB online and buy the components.
This way you won't have the bezel, but I believe this can be 3D printed online, nor the front cover in painted plexiglass, and more annoying you will have ordinary buttons.

I’ve put myself on the email list for when new kits will be available. I also have pulled down the software to install on a Raspberry Pi 4 that I could use without the kit.