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Superbrain ACT boot code


Veteran Member
Jan 26, 2014
South Herefordshire, UK

I have decoded the Superbrain's ACT boot code. It's really simple. All it does is copy the first 16 bytes from the hard drive (Drive 0, Head 0, Track 0, Sector 0) to a specific location in memory, then jumps to it.

So (comments are mine):-

c3A3 AF        XOR	A		; a=0
c3a4 D3CD      OUT     (0CDH),A		; Drive 0
c3a6 D3C9      OUT     (0C9H),A		; Track 0
c3a8 D3CA      OUT     (0CAH),A		; Head 0
c3aa D3CB      OUT     (0CBH),A		; Sector 0
c3ac DBC8      IN      A,(0C8H)		; Wait ready
c3ae 87        ADD     A,A		;
c3af F2ACC3    JP      P,0C3ACH		; loop back if not
c3b2 3E06      LD      A,06H		; Issue Home disk cmd
c3b4 D3C8      OUT     (0C8H),A		;
c3b6 DBC8      IN      A,(0C8H)		; wait for home bit (guess)
c3b8 17        RLA     			;
c3b9 DAB6C3    JP      C,0C3B6H		; if bit 7 unset, loop back
c3bc 3E01      LD      A,01H		; issue READSEC command
c3be D3C8      OUT     (0C8H),A		;
c3c0 DBC8      IN      A,(0C8H)		; get status
c3c2 E682      AND     82H		; AND 10000010
c3c4 FAC0C3    JP      M,0C3C0H		; Negative (bit 7 set), loop back
c3c7 C230C3    JP      NZ,0C330H	; Positive (bit 1 set), poll keyboard again
c3ca DBCC      IN      A,(0CCH)		; else it's Zero
c3cc 2180C7    LD      HL,0C780H	; Copy 16 bytes from the drive to C780
c3cf DBCC      IN      A,(0CCH)		; get byte from drive buffer
c3d1 77        LD      (HL),A		; copy to machine buffer
c3d2 2C        INC     L		; next byte
c3d3 C2CFC3    JP      NZ,0C3CFH	; if it's < 16 loop for next byte
c3d6 C380C7    JP      0C780H		; done. Jump to the code

There are a few interesting things about this:
  • It appears to use the same I/O addresses as the CMC International interface / drive.
  • It is obviously an intermediate bootstrap. What code is in the the 16 bytes?
  • There is a good chance that CMC HDD utilities will work with it, if any can be found.
  • I can write code to interrogate it, once I have completed my mainboard repairs.

Just for comparison, here's the CMC boot code.

; Hard disk boot sector for Superbrain with:
;    CP/M 2.2
;    Intertec Superbrain DOS 3.2
;    CMC hard disk BIOS ver 1.16
; 01/06/90  Dan Fandrich    Original disassembly
;			    Added 'ERR' display routine
; Hard disk controller ports
HDCMD:	EQU	0C8H		; Hard disk controller command port
HDSTAT: EQU	0C8H		; Hard disk controller status port
HDTRK:	EQU	0C9H		; track number
HDHEAD: EQU	0CAH		; head number
HDSEC:	EQU	0CBH		; sector number
HDDATA: EQU	0CCH		; data buffer
HDDRIV: EQU	0CDH		; driver number
; Hard disk controller commands
RDSEC:	EQU	1		; read a sector
HOME:	EQU	6		; home disk
; "Magic numbers"
BYTE1:	EQU	0C3H		; first byte of CCP	JMP  0CB5CH
BYTE2:	EQU	1 ;05CH 	   ; second byte of CCP
;BYTE3:  EQU	 0CBH		 ; third byte of CCP
CCPOFS: EQU	3		; difference between BYTE3 and CCP load page
SCREEN	EQU	0F800H		; start of screen
	ORG	0C780H		; location that boot sector is loaded into
	OUT	HDDRIV		; drive  0
	OUT	HDTRK		; track  0
	OUT	HDHEAD		; head	 0 
	OUT	HDSEC		; sector 0
WREADY: IN	HDSTAT		; wait for hard disk to become ready
	MVI	A,HOME		; home disk
WHOME:	IN	HDSTAT		; wait for hard disk to home
	LXI	B,8128H 	; read 28H sectors
				; skip first 81H-1 bytes in first sector
READSC: MVI	A,RDSEC 	; read the next sector
	JC	WREAD		; wait until sector has been read
	ANI	4
	JNZ	ERROR		; error in reading
	IN	HDDATA		; get first byte (?)
	JZ	NXTBYT		; if this isn't the very first sector, read
				; in all the bytes, otherwise skip the first
				; 80H (this bootstrap loader)
SKPBYT: IN	HDDATA		; read byte & skip it (usually)
	JNZ	SKPBYT		; ignore 7FH bytes
	CPI	BYTE1		; is byte 80H of sector 0 equal to the
				; first byte of CCP? (JMP opcode)
	JNZ	ERROR		; no, CP/M is not installed
	IN	HDDATA		; get next byte
	CPI	BYTE2		; compare with second byte of CCP
				; (low byte of JMP)
	JNZ	ERROR		; jump to error if CP/M isn't installed
	IN	HDDATA		; get next byte (high byte of JMP address)
	SUI	CCPOFS		; find high byte of CCP load address
	MOV	H,A		; H=high byte of CCP address
	MOV	L,B		; L=0
	MVI	M,BYTE1 	; store the JMP xx5CH that was ignored above
	LXI	H,15FDH 	; add 15FDH to HL
	DAD	D		; HL points to BIOS cold boot entry point
	MVI	B,7DH		; 7DH more bytes to read in this first sector
NXTBYT: IN	HDDATA		; read the next byte
	STAX	D		; store it in memory
	INX	D		; point to next address
	DCR	B		; decrement byte count
	JNZ	NXTBYT		; go read next byte
	IN	HDSEC		; get current sector
	INR	A		; point to next sector
	ANI	1FH		 
	JNZ	NXTSEC		; read the next sector
	INR	A		; read from head 1
NXTSEC: DCR	C		; one less sector to read
	JNZ	READSC		; if there's more, go read it
	PCHL			; jump to routine at HL
; This error routine added to display the message 'ERR' on the screen
; in the case of an error
ERROR:	LXI	H,'ER' OR 8080H ; first part of flashing 'ERR' string
	SHLD	SCREEN+70	; display it on the screen
	STA	SCREEN+72	; display second 'R' on screen
ERR1:	JMP	ERR1		; enter endless loop on error
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How do you get 16 bytes? In the code at C3CC, HL is loaded with C780 and then the loop at C3CF inputs and stores, in C780, incrementing L, until L overflows to 00, which would be 80H bytes, or 128.
OK, maybe I should start a new thread for this, but here goes.

I discovered that I'd wired the ACT interface wrong when I reassembled the Superbrain, but I have corrected this.

Now I am able to move the head and test the interface registers, but I can't read anything off the drive just yet. The test program wants to do destructive testing, which is no good for me. What I need is a sector editor that can access the drive directly. Is there such a thing? The Drive interface registers begins at C8, which seems pretty typical for the Superbrain HDDs.
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I have a CMC International Super System II That I know nothing about.
I believe the ROM is corrupt and I am trying to figure out avenues of getting this thing booted.
Here is a link to my post about the machine. There is copies of 2 ROM chips. 1 is blank, and the other half blank half with code that looks corrupt.
Any information, disk images, ROM images would be awesome.