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Wanted: driver software for Maxtor RXT-800S SCSI WORM drive


Experienced Member
Oct 3, 2009
West Yorkshire, England
Does anyone have a copy of the driver software for the Maxtor RXT-800S SCSI WORM drive? I believe it's a rebadged Ricoh drive.

Having read around, it seems like the driver needed is Corel OptiStar, which sits atop CorelSCSI. It seems like Optisys Optidisk / Optidriver might work too. But anything for the RXT-800S or RXT-800HS is likely to be useful.

Sorry, I don't have any such drivers. Are you sure that you need additional software on top of CorelSCSI though? Out of interest, I did a search on DiscMaster and found http://discmaster.textfiles.com/bro..._Collection_Disc_6.TOAST/Windows/CorelDos.zip, which seems to be CorelSCSI for DOS (despite being in a "Windows" directory in a "Mac collection"). ~DRIVE.LST includes some sort of seemingly machine-readable information about the drive, I would assume that !UTL_WRM.LZH contains WORM utilities, and !SCSIUTL.LZH includes a WORMFREE.COM, so there seem to be a few things in there which appear to support WORM drives. I get the impression from https://archive.org/details/macworld00unse_49/page/184/mode/2up?q=optistar that OptiStar provides a nice user interface for viewing WORM media; perhaps CorelSCSI by itself lets you access the same things via the command line?