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Al Kossow
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  • Hi, do you know the user/password for ftp on ftp.update.uu.se? Also, does Gotek floppy emulator need a specific extension for floppy images? Thanks!
    Al, I've put both sets of Lilith FW on ftp.dreesen.ch/Lilith, as well as a set of pics for the PCB's of both versions. If these can be added to bitsavers it would be great, otherwise I'll just keep them on my FTP for others to download. Also willing to upload these to wherever you'd like.
    Hi Al,

    I have now dumped all 7 micro code PROMs. I'm surprise though that all 7 I registers are zero. So use them with caution. When I find some time I will make sure I really understood the datasheet and the code is really doing the right thing to read out the I register.

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