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Recent content by elchucko

  1. E

    New user of CP/M on a Micro 8800

    I've built from a kit an Altair Micro8800 with CP/M capability. Using information available on the internet I'm attempting to learn how to use commands. The following questions are really dumb (sorry about that). The reason I'm asking is I can't seem to make most of them work. OK, here is what...
  2. E

    CP/M Altair8800 Micro

    Some time ago I may have posted (I can't find it if I did ;)) about micro computer based on the Altair 8800. Recently a 2 disk drive (ICs) and additional memory has been added and it includes CP/M. Since I'm new at CP/M I'm looking for a basic user manual/doc. Also a pointer to where I can get...
  3. E

    Build Your Own CP/M Capable Computer

    New poster here. For those who would like to "build" a CP/M capable computer there is a kit available that may address your needs. This info may be posted elsewhere on the forum but in case it is not here is an option to explore. Brielcomputers.com (Vince Briel) released his designed AltairMicro...