Anonymous Coward
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I seem to recall somebody had figured out a way to modify standard 256kb SIMMs to work in the 5162. Does anyone remember the link to the post that describes how to do it?
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I seem to recall somebody had figured out a way to modify standard 256kb SIMMs to work in the 5162. Does anyone remember the link to the post that describes how to do it?
The ninth chip is for parity.I believe you need to use 9 chip SIMMs to meet refresh timing requirements.
Does anyone know for fact whether or not 'standard' 256KB SIMM's will work, rather than 'best of recall'? Surely, a 5162 owner has either been forced to try it, or experimented. I known that member 'Dani G' would also like to know of any certainty (thread 73757).
Stay safe over there.
Might do, I just finished testing a pair of 3 chip simm's in my 5162, P/N SJ-2563N, 70ns chips, Counted up to 640k and ran Checkit 3 memory test in thorough mode twice and passed with no problems. My 5162 is running the AMI bios. Maybe the IBM bios would choke on it ??.What I meant was 3-chip parity SIMMs will not work. Like these:View attachment 60138
Might do, I just finished testing a pair of 3 chip simm's in my 5162, P/N SJ-2563N, 70ns chips, Counted up to 640k and ran Checkit 3 memory test in thorough mode twice and passed with no problems. My 5162 is running the AMI bios. Maybe the IBM bios would choke on it ??.
I actually installed DOS 6.22 and Checkit 3 on a spare clean CF with those simm's in the 5162, It went fine but i'm not testing anymore i was getting a bit concerned about damaging the Simm sockets, Rather a tight fit and didn't want to break the retainers. The original Simms have probably been in there since new.
I have not been able to fault the 9 chip 256k pair of simms i tested or the 3 chip 256k pair of simms, I ran checkit 3 and Micro scope memory test with 100% pass, Today i removed the AMI Bios Roms and Re-fitted the original IBM Bios ROMs and with the 3 chip simms in i ran the memory tests with no problems, I installed the XUB r602 and it's also running fine, I have not been able to fault it yet but will play more over the next few days.