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Anyone have success using a Gotek w/FlashFloppy FW to boot their QX-10?


New Member
Aug 6, 2017
I have been trying to get my new Gotek w/Flashfloppy to boot my QX-10.

I've tried:
Using the IMG.CFG from Scott Bakers site:

cyls = 40
heads = 2
secs = 10
bps = 512
tracks = 0,1
secs = 16
bps = 256

cyls = 40
heads = 2
secs = 10
bps = 512
tracks = 0.0
secs = 16
bps = 256

and the following for FF.CFG:

interface = shugart
host = unspecified
pin02 = nc
pin34 = rdy
autoselect-file-secs = 5
autoselect-folder-secs = 5
twobutton-action = eject
display-type = oled-128x64-rotate

Drive Jumpered for ID0.

Any hints on converting the *.TD0 or *.IMD files with HxC2001 software?

Ty Hoeffer
Palmyra, VA
I have one of my QX-10s setup with gotek and it works fine. While I made my own FF.CFG and IMG.CFG files I believe they are basically the same as Scott's, I'd have to check later to be sure but the ones you posted seem sane.

As for converting TD0 files into IMD i have never tried using the HxC2001 software for that conversion, instead I've used dosbox with the IMD software and then i can just run TD02IMD <TD0 file> to convert it into an IMD file. That has usually worked for me in the past. One thing to note though is that FlashFloppy does not directly support IMD files, in the end you will want a raw sector IMG file. The IMG.CFG file is telling FlashFloppy based on the size of a raw IMG file what the track and sector layout of the file is. I again use the DOS IMD Tools to handle this conversion, this time using IMDU <input file IMD file> <ouput IMG file> /B /D. I've not had any trouble booting the final disk image when doing this myself.

You can find the dos IMD utils here.
I have one of my QX-10s setup with gotek and it works fine. While I made my own FF.CFG and IMG.CFG files I believe they are basically the same as Scott's, I'd have to check later to be sure but the ones you posted seem sane.

As for converting TD0 files into IMD i have never tried using the HxC2001 software for that conversion, instead I've used dosbox with the IMD software and then i can just run TD02IMD <TD0 file> to convert it into an IMD file. That has usually worked for me in the past. One thing to note though is that FlashFloppy does not directly support IMD files, in the end you will want a raw sector IMG file. The IMG.CFG file is telling FlashFloppy based on the size of a raw IMG file what the track and sector layout of the file is. I again use the DOS IMD Tools to handle this conversion, this time using IMDU <input file IMD file> <ouput IMG file> /B /D. I've not had any trouble booting the final disk image when doing this myself.

You can find the dos IMD utils here.
Thank you. I'll try dusting off the old Kaypro-16 ( the only DOS machine I have ). :)
Thank you. I'll try dusting off the old Kaypro-16 ( the only DOS machine I have ). :)
To be clear you don't need a DOS machine to use the IMD tools for conversion, though you certainly could do this on one if you really want to. I use dosbox, which is a dos emulator, and can run dos programs on your current modern OS. This makes it fairly easy to use the IMD tools without needing an actual DOS machine.
Thank you everybody that DM'ed or responded here. It turns out ALL my problems were machine related. I have two QX-10's. I swapped over to the machine I havent had a chance to clean up, the gotek booted the QX-10 just fine.
My keyboard isn't working but I think that is because the cable for the keyboard is not the original & the straight through cable I purchased is the problem. So tonight I'll build a new one with the TxD & RxD pins swapped.

Thank you again folks :)

Ty Hoeffer
Palmyra, VA