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do any of you TT owners have early (color) Macs?

I don't have any of the above mentioned Apple models; but IMHO, only the IIfx could offer more than the TT030. I have an LCIII+ and it's very close to what a TT030 can do, same CPU, speed, data bus width and RAM amount. The graphics are better in the Apple machine, specially when the VRAM is maxed. About sound, I feel the TT is better than Apple; but prolly is due the software you can find in each machine, TT demos sound great!

It's hard to compare tho. In a day-by-day basis, System 7 is a pretty sleek OS compared with GEM. I've replaced the OS in the TT with other ones like Teradesk or MagiC; but I found them still behing Apple's one.
Back around 1993 I had obtained a Mac II motherboard and was able to get a case for it and up and running again. I stumbled across a Daystar Powercache upgrade that converted the Mac II from a 16MHz 68020 to a 40MHz 68030. It made the Mac II closer to a Mac IIfx machine (IIfx used a 50MHz 68030). It was a very good machine and end up later trading it for a all-in-one PowerPC Mac.

I have a TT030 but have so little experience and knowledge with operating the machine. I know the Atari computers definitely operated better in areas like Desktop Publishing and doing MIDI work with electronic music. The Mac certainly dominated in the photo editing arena. The TT030 would definitely be under powered with the clock speed alone but its operating system likely didn't require as much processing time as much as the Mac OS required. At least on the ST you could do gaming on it better than Mac's. It was very hard to find any decent games to play on the Macs because there just were not many developers doing mainstream games on the Mac as oppose to the IBM PC platform.

I had owned my Mac back during the time it was embarrassing to admit you had a Mac.