Yes,it is official.I have suffered another TIA.Strange that it didn't wipe out a more used section of my memory this time.I'm lucky all that is gone is the ability to name songs.Well,that and some physical "twitches",that I never had before.I have to say that as "Events" go,this one is outstanding for my utter lack of memory.I mean,I remember the night before,but nothing of the entire day during the "event".(It's kinda scary,not to remember anything at all)
You would think that if your Brain was malfunctioning,you would notice.Today,I am out of the Hospital and had the benefit of modern technology(A CT Scan and an MRI Scan)a good diagnosis can be made.Well...Doctor?...The diagnosis is yet another TIA.It's a diagnosis that is given when nothing else can be proven to be in evidence.My Brain scans showed nothing unusual.It's sorta like chasing down a problematical bad Memory chip.You keep at it in a methodical manner until you find it.My "Leaky" brain is like that.The bleeds are small enough that they are almost impossible to see.
As I pursue my own personal refurbishment,I am thankful for the Vintage PCs.There is always a challenge to be found in rebuilding or programing that is stimulating both mentally and physically.And as my Neurologist likes to remind me"The day you can't work your PDA is the day you have lost the battle".(That's not too hopeful is it?)He then follows it up with "Keep on learning and you'll push that day back"(Now,THAT's a ray of hope!)
You would think that if your Brain was malfunctioning,you would notice.Today,I am out of the Hospital and had the benefit of modern technology(A CT Scan and an MRI Scan)a good diagnosis can be made.Well...Doctor?...The diagnosis is yet another TIA.It's a diagnosis that is given when nothing else can be proven to be in evidence.My Brain scans showed nothing unusual.It's sorta like chasing down a problematical bad Memory chip.You keep at it in a methodical manner until you find it.My "Leaky" brain is like that.The bleeds are small enough that they are almost impossible to see.
As I pursue my own personal refurbishment,I am thankful for the Vintage PCs.There is always a challenge to be found in rebuilding or programing that is stimulating both mentally and physically.And as my Neurologist likes to remind me"The day you can't work your PDA is the day you have lost the battle".(That's not too hopeful is it?)He then follows it up with "Keep on learning and you'll push that day back"(Now,THAT's a ray of hope!)