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Looking for CP/M 3.1 System & Util Diskette


Experienced Member
Apr 2, 2014
Dordrecht , Netherlands
I was happy to have an org disk but it fails to read proper.
See photo the obvious, some holes in it.

Does someone has an Image or know to find an image?
Would be great.

Product: CP/M SYSTEM & UTL (1)
Part No: MM00027 CP/M 3.02

Yes, this disk looks somewhat sad. The magnetic surface is flaking from the substrate. I had some Wabash floppies that were doing this, but most disks seem to have survived well, even lota of cheaper 'noname' types.

Trying to use such a disk is more likely to damage your floppy drive that produce any useable data.

You don't say what system (i.e. hardware') this disc was intended for. CP/M 3 will still involve a BIOS which will be highly specific to a specific machine. Other parts of the system may be much less specific. If the general system involves significant banking, then this may again be specific to a specific machine.

If the disks you have relate to a development system, that still needs final building for a specific system, then it may still be quite generic, but then it would be a help to say who supplied the disks (i.e. obtained from DR directly ?). Especially if you have other parts of the package.

The Bondwell 12/14 files I have located and saved are all CP/M Ver 2.2. I did locate a CPM3.zip
(not Bondwell) that was 3.01 CPM.

Nothing matches the Floppy you have listed.

Hello Maurice,

I guess it depends on what you hope to do with this machine.

If you just want to get it working, then you could get the disks for CP/M 2.2 and work with them. If they are set up (the BIOS etc) for the right machine, then this will be functional.

If you've got the machine with the extra RAM, then 2.2 might not be able to use it. The possible big benefit of CP/M 3 is that you can boot into a system setup which uses the banked RAM, giving you the potential of a larger TPA. The PCW machine that I use boots to a system with 61k TPA, with CP/M 3 fully active.

I think this might be what you are looking for:


From the Readme File in the zip:

Bondwell 14 Disks and Roms

This archive contains images of all the disks supplied with the Bondwell 14
portable CP/M computer. Also included are the bootrom and character
generator rom contents.

Filename Product Serial no. Part no.
-------- ----------------------- --------------- --------
SYSTEM1 .IMG CP/M 3 SYSTEM & UTL (1) 1006-1269-00306 MM00027 CP/M 3.02
SYSTEM2 .IMG CP/M 3 SYSTEM & UTL (2) 1006-1269-00306 MM00028 CP/M 3.02
CSTAR .IMG CALCSTAR BC01-0003-01003 MM00013 (VER 1.45)
DSTAR .IMG DATASTAR BC01-0004-01003 MM00014 (VER 1.41)
RSTAR2 .IMG REPORTSTAR BC01-0005-01003 MM00015 (VER 1.02)
WSTAR2 .IMG WORDSTAR & MAILMERGE BC01-0001-01033 MM00011 (VER 3.30)
DSTARFIX.IMG DATASTAR 1.41c (provided by the supplier, this replacement
disk fixed some problems when using Datastar on the Bondwell.)

BOOTROM .BIN Bondwell 14 boot rom image
CHAROM .BIN Bondwell 14 character rom image

PLAYBACK.BAT Restore a Bondwell 14 disk from a disk image file.
RECORD .BAT Takes a Bondwell 14 disk and makes a disk image file


Hope this works for you.

Smithville, NJ
Here is what I have for the directory listing of that image:
$ cpmls -f bw12 -D SYSTEM1.IMG
     Name    Bytes   Recs  Attr     update             create
------------ ------ ------ ---- -----------------  -----------------
AUTORUN .COM     2K      1    
BACKUP  .COM     2K     10    
COPYSYS .COM     2K     14    
CPM3    .SYS    18K    140    
DATE    .COM     4K     22    
DEVICE  .COM     8K     58    
DIR     .COM    16K    114    
DUMP    .COM     2K      8    
ED      .COM    10K     73    
ERASE   .COM     4K     29    
FORMAT  .COM     2K     12    
GET     .COM     8K     51    
HELP    .COM     8K     56    
HELP    .HLP    64K    508    
INITDIR .COM    32K    250    
PATCH   .COM     4K     19    
PIP     .COM    10K     68    
PUT     .COM     8K     55    
RENAME  .COM     4K     23    
RS232R  .COM     2K     13    
RS232T  .COM     2K     10    
SAMPLE  .SPH     6K     36    
SET     .COM    12K     81    
SETDEF  .COM     4K     32    
SETUP   .COM    14K    107    
SHOW    .COM    10K     66    
SPEECH  .COM    28K    224    
SUBMIT  .COM     6K     42    
TYPE    .COM     4K     24    
   29 Files occupying    166K,       2K Free.

Do you need the .IMD for from the .IMG?
