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LSI-11/03 - 32kW -- recommended Software?


Experienced Member
Mar 8, 2014
Dear all!

As this is my first PDP-11 - I would like to kindly ask for some advice which software / Operating system will work and what is worth trying?

Which Operating system does make sense? RT-11 or something else?

Is except from a BASIC interpreter some other languages (Pascal/Fortran compilers) working?

What text editor can you recommend?

Is there maybe a graphics package using Sixel/Regis graphics?

Is it worth looking for some h/w extensions (like a 11/23 board, additional memory?)

Best regards
You can run RT11-SJ in 32KW, I think you need the EIS option for the KED editor and you need a graphics terminal to use Regis - but it's going to be really slow...

What disks do you have? - It's all going to be tediously slow and tight on memory with an 11/03, sadly - computing like it's 1977...
Ah - well you can boot RT11 and run a program, but compiling is going to be a non starter realistically...

The good news is that you have some sort of chassis and backplane - which can be a problem to source, and you can look around for an 11/23 or 11/73 and some memory and hard disk controller - but a lot depends on the chassis/backplane you have - so photos and good details will help you get on the right track...

Nothing very fancy... One 19" housing with a 8x dual QBUS Backplane from "Transduction"
A RQDX3 Controller is available; some other colleagues here already helping me out with the bootstrap code in a parallel thread.

Ah interesting, so dual cards only for you! - the backplane can easily be upgraded to 18 or 22 bit addressing if required (it's most likely 18 bit already)...

Realistically an 11/23 CPU with MMU and 256KB or more RAM and preferably a SCSI disk controller card (Viking or Emulex UC07) will get you up and running, need to see what you have for a bootstrap board and serial lines as well to make sure it will be good to go, but a great start...
My bootstrap card (2x 2716) is this one:


Serial card is a 4x DLV11

There is in addition 32kW of memory

You mean you have 4 x DLV11 cards - or a DLV11-J with 4 ports? Both will work well, mind...

If that bootstrap board only takes a pair of 2716 EPROM, options are a bit limited - look for a disk controller with bootstrap, not an RQDX3 - something SCSI will be massively better
Ah interesting, so dual cards only for you! - the backplane can easily be upgraded to 18 or 22 bit addressing if required (it's most likely 18 bit already)...
Can you please explain to me how I can figure out if it is already upgraded? i assume if I can upgrade to 11/23, I need 18 bits?
You can just try it - or check for continuity on the BDAL16 - BDAL21 lines on the backplane...

Most of the CPU manuals show the pin out of the edge connectors
Dear all!

As this is my first PDP-11 - I would like to kindly ask for some advice which software / Operating system will work and what is worth trying?

Which Operating system does make sense? RT-11 or something else?

Is except from a BASIC interpreter some other languages (Pascal/Fortran compilers) working?

What text editor can you recommend?

Is there maybe a graphics package using Sixel/Regis graphics?

Is it worth looking for some h/w extensions (like a 11/23 board, additional memory?)

Best regards
I run RT-11 SJ on a PDP-11/05 with 28KW that is roughly similar in CPU capabilities. Basic-11 is the
best for interactive programming. The LENGTH command will tell you how much free space you have left
in Basic.

I can compile Fortran IV programs but I have to turn off the command line editing to get enough free memory for that.

KED works great if you have a fully VT100 compatible terminal (and keyboard).

You mentioned REGIS graphics and if you have a REGIS compatible terminal you can do a lot with just sending RGL
commands via Basic-11. Below is a sample program to plot data from a text file.

An 11/23 is a great CPU board and I would highly recommend trying to get one, ideally with the FPP microcode chip.

P.S. in Line 120 below @: P should not have a space. This Forum keeps changing the @: P
with no space into an Emoji @:p

20 DIM X(30),Y(30) \ N%=0
30 PRINT "Input name of data file: "; \ INPUT F$
50 LINPUT #1,T$ \ LINPUT #1,X$ \ LINPUT #1,Y$
60 INPUT #1,X1,X2,X3,Y1,Y2,Y3
70 N%=N%+1 \ INPUT #1,X(N%),Y(N%)
90 GO TO 70
100 X4=(700-100)/(X2-X1) \ Y4=-1*(400-80)/(Y2-Y1)
110 E$=CHR$(27) \ PRINT E$;"P2p S(E)"
120 PRINT "@: P V[,+5] V[,-10] V[,+5] V[+5,] V[-10,] V[+5,] @;"
130 PRINT "@:T V[,+10] V[,-10] @;"
140 PRINT "@:H V[-10,] V[+10,] @;"
150 PRINT "P[100,80] V[100,400] V[700,400] V[700,80] V[100,80]"
160 X%=INT(X(1)*X4+100)
170 Y%=INT(Y(1)*Y4+400)
180 PRINT USING "P[### , ###] @P",X%,Y%
190 FOR I%=2 TO N%
200 X%=INT(X(I%)*X4+100)
210 Y%=INT(Y(I%)*Y4+400)
220 PRINT USING "V[### , ###] @P",X%,Y%
230 NEXT I%
240 X5=(X2-X1)/X3 \ Y%=400
250 FOR I%=1 TO X3
260 X6=I%*X5+X1
270 X%=INT(X6*X4+100)
280 PRINT USING "P[### , ###] @T",X%,Y%
290 PRINT "P[-20,+20]T(D0,S1,D0)'";X6;"'"
300 NEXT I%
310 Y5=(Y2-Y1)/Y3 \ X%=100
320 FOR I%=1 TO Y3
330 Y6=I%*Y5+Y1
340 Y%=INT(Y6*Y4+400)
350 PRINT USING "P[### , ###] @H",X%,Y%
360 PRINT "P[-50,-10]T(D0,S1,D0)'";Y6;"'"
370 NEXT I%
380 PRINT "P[300,50]T(D0,S2,D0)'";T$;"'"
390 PRINT "P[350,450]T(D0,S1,D0)'";X$;"'"
400 PRINT "P[50,200]T(D-90,S1,D-90)'";Y$;"'"
410 PRINT "P[700,400]"
500 S1=0 \ S2=0 \ S3=0 \ T1=0 \ T2=0 \ N=N%
510 FOR I%=1 TO N%
520 S1=S1+X(I%) \ S2=S2+X(I%)*X(I%) \ S3=S3+X(I%)*Y(I%)
530 T1=T1+Y(I%) \ T2=T2+Y(I%)*Y(I%)
540 NEXT I%
542 INPUT F$
544 PRINT E$;"\"
550 D=(N*S2)-(S1*S1)
555 A=((S3*N)-(S1*T1))/D
560 B=((S2*T1)-(S1*S3))/D
570 R=(N*S3-S1*T1)/SQR(D*((N*T2)-(T1*T1)))
580 S4=SQR(ABS((T2-T1*T1/N)/N))
590 S5=S4*SQR(ABS((1-R*R)))
640 PRINT "A=";A;" B=";B
650 PRINT "R=";R;" SE=";S5;"SDY=";S4
660 END
Last edited:
Wait..... You can compile things, and do stuff with an 11/03? My first pdp11 was an 11/03 with 28kw of memory, 2 RX01 floppies and MU-BASIC configured to allow 4 terminals to run BASIC at the same time. It ran quite well, ran Pascal, and was the system I wrote most of my Fortran4 programs on when the school VAX slowed to a crawl.

Nothing wrong with an 11/03. When I got my first RL01 I was thrilled to do SYSGENs with it and just let it run overnight.

OP, I'd recommend downloading and trying MUBASIC. It runs on an RX01, you can put four terminals on your system with the DLV11-J, and it's got a surprisingly impressive array system that can read and write random DIMed Array values off the disk drive. This allowed me to write and run "Animal Guess" with hundreds of animal values stored in a DIMensioned Btree....

Also run DUNGEON, ADVENTURE, and of course SPCINV and PACMAN with a VT52 emulator....
Also, bear in mind that you can jumper the MSV11-D for a 2KW I/O page and get a whopping 30KW Ram instead of 28KW, as long as no I/O cards in the 16xxxx range (17xxxx is fine)

The extra 2KW makes a lot of difference...
It does. The PDT11/150 has that enabled by default, and it's a pretty nice bit of extra memory. Still, you can do a lot even with a normal 11/03, and if you want down the road upgrade to an 11/23 CPU and experience faster/18 bit memory management.