The three associated transistors on the primary side are very important, two, acting as a latch limit the chopper's base current and the other the emitter current, so if they are not working the chopper transistor can be destroyed. Also, any substitute part for the chopper must have suitable collector voltage ratings or it will fail immediately, which is often why for smps supplies it pays to find the exact transistor or spend time selecting a replacement with better ratings, but sometimes that can be tricky due the the many other properties of the transistor.
One solution, is to replace all the primary side semiconductors in one go with exact parts (check all R's and C's there too. If it still fails after that, you could be confident the fault is on the secondary side, though that is less likely.
When you powered it was it loaded ? If not its possible that voltage overshoot might have caused the SCR crowbar circuit, on the secondary, to deploy.