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OS-9 on SWTPC?


Veteran Member
Sep 30, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
I have gotten a 6809 SWTPC system with a MF68 floppy system. It nicely boot the FLEX operating system and it works really well after fixing a number of issues with computer itself (6809 CPU broken among them).

I am a bit interested in running OS-9 or Uniflex. But I read that UniFLEX only was available with the 8 inch floppy subsystems. For OS-9 I found https://colorcomputerarchive.com/repo/Programming/Source/OS-9 for SWTPC (Microware)/

It appears to be some kind of source code for OS-9. Anyone that has tried to get it to run on a SWTPC 6809 system? Reading the OS9src_info give that two files need to be assembled and programmed into EPROMs, P1 and P2. I guess that they then replace the SBUG currently in the EPROM socket.

I am interested in anything OS-9 or Uniflex for the 6809 so give me anything, please!
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Enjoy.... ftp://ftp.dreesen.ch/SWTPC

FLEX, Basic, Pascal, games etc etc... for my SWTPC with 6809 and MF68. No longer in my collection. Man those connectors aged badly...

BUT : my swtpc had a video PCB ( 80x24), and not the normal serial channel. You will have some adaptions to do.
