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Osborne 1 - Adventures in getting Adventure to work...


Dec 31, 2023
My daughter and I were looking to play (and finally finish what I started decades ago) the original Adventure on the Osborne 1.

On the bootable floppy disk that came with the Osborne 1 was a copy of ADVENTUR; when running it it presented like I remember, starting you at the End of the Road. We played through it a bit until we decided to take a break, and when we tried to save we got a message along the lines why bother saving if this is a 'demonstration'. Which I took it to mean it wasn't the full fledged version of the software.

I also read there was a version that could work with the default 52 column display (we had to shift-arrow around to be able to read everything) so I went on a search - it looks like the version I'm looking for is "The Original ADVENTURE" made by "The Software Toolworks".

I found (through a reddit post) this link that claimed "Here’s a collection of IMD disk images, includes over 150 disks with LOTS of games like Pac Man, Pong, Colossal Cave Adventure, and many more": https://archive.org/details/wizard-of-osz-osborne-imd-disks

It has a readme that documents:
OCC1-141 - OCC 1 CP/M 2.2 (SSDD)
TITLE: Original Adventure
DATE: 12-Sep-82
COPYRIGHT: 1982 The Software Toolworks

I found the OCC1-144.IMD file among the zip. My Osborne 1 has a GoTek floppy emu, which specifically needs HFE files (anyone know how to make it read IMDs?). I used the HxCFloppyEmulator software (from:
https://hxc2001.com/docs/gotek-floppy-emulator-hxc-firmware/pages/download.html) on my Mac to convert the original file from IMD to HFE and transferred it to the USB key. However, when I tried to bring it up on the Osborne the disk couldn't boot or even read it. I'm wondering what I did wrong in the conversion, as I simply opened the IMD and exported it to HFE.

Another path brought me to RichardLoxley's site (https://www.richardloxley.com/2018/04/27/osborne-restoration-part-16-transferring-cpm-software/) where Richard discusses how to convert files for use through a series of utilities. At the end he has a link to some disks in HFE format, two of which are labeled as Adventure (OSB06_Adventure.hfe and OSB13_Adventure.hfe). They are distinct per their MD5 sums. They both mounted and read fine, and both have AD.COM (which run similarly). That said, I'm unsure if they're the proper Osborne version from the Software Toolworks or some other version - the game text printed wide again.

The Osborne specific disks were distributed set to 52 columns, and the advwidth program wasn't present, either, as mentioned in this doc:

2.4. Special Procedures for Non-80 Column Displays
If you have .a 40 column or other narrow display, you will have to set Adventure to use the correct display width. (Osborne Adventure disks are distributed set to 52 columns, but you can use the same procedure to set them to 80 columns if your machine has 80 column display.)
Following the instruction in Section 2.2 (or Section 2.3 if you have one disk drive), get to the point where· you are ready to type the nadvent" command. Then type the command
The computer will tell you what the current line width is, and ask you to type a new one. Type in the width of your terminal line, and press the RETURN key.
The Adventure program file will now be set permanently to the new /-~
.display.width•. you will not have·to perform this procedure again ,. unless you want . to change the displ~y width again. Yciu can now continue by running the program with the "advent" command.

So I continue on the hunt for a the Software Toolworks version of Adventure for the Osborne. Does anyone have a link to one I can put on the GoTek, or can tell me how I botched the conversion from IMD to HFE?

After reading that HxCFloppyEmulator has problems converting from IMD to HFE, I tried RichardLoxley's process using disk-analyse (steps to clone the git, build it, install it).

ArcadeDanger@asteroids bin % ./disk-analyse -v ~/Downloads/Wizard\ of\ Osz\ Disks/OCC1-141.IMD ~/Downloads/Wizard\ of\ Osz\ Disks/OCC1-141.hfe
Found format "ibm"
PLL Parameters: period_adj=5% phase_adj=60%
Side 0:
T0-39: IBM-FM DD (10 256-byte sectors, 2560 bytes)
T40-82: Unformatted
Side 1:
T0-82: Unformatted

When trying to read the resulting HFE file on the GoTek/Osborne it would report that the disk was unformatted. Boo.

Wondering if the original OCC1-141.IMD ImageDisk file was valid, I converted it to IMG and then looked at it with cpmtools which showed it had the right files on it.

ArcadeDanger@asteroids Wizard of Osz Disks % /usr/local/bin/disk-analyse -v OCC1-141.IMD OCC1-141.img
Found format "ibm"
PLL Parameters: period_adj=5% phase_adj=60%
Side 0:
T0-39: IBM-FM DD (10 256-byte sectors, 2560 bytes)
T40-83: Unformatted
Side 1:
T0-83: Unformatted
ArcadeDanger@asteroids Wizard of Osz Disks % cpmls OCC1-141.img



The advent files are present, so it's definitely not translating from IMD to HFE formats... Or the HFE format generated by disk-analyse isn't compatible with my GoTek version.