10k Member
So you changed the 74S288 , but you have not programmed it yet ?Hello Dave,
i confirm the problem are the PROM 74S288, i have changed it and now all is PERFECT.
Now the problem is programming this device because my prommer support it but with an adapter
So, because this is a very weird fault, (and we did track it down in the end), it would be helpful for future visitors to know exactly what the problem was.
Can you use your oscilloscope to look at the outputs from the '288 and document the good and bad traces?
Remember, 2 channels and use channel #1 on VDRIVE as a trigger and channel #2 to take the measurements. You did record the oscilloscope settings you used didn't you?
It would also be interesting to compare the '288 internal logic with what it should be. I am sort of expecting that a fuse has regrown, thus changing the internal logic. But this is purely an educated guess on my part.