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Sources for S-100 connectors


Veteran Member
Oct 21, 2016
Oregon, USA
For reasons I don't fully understand myself, I bought a TM990/101M. Now this is a TI board, not an S-100, but the connector specification (100 positions, 0.125" pitch) sounds identical to the S-100 connector specification. So I assume the S-100 folks know where to get the connectors. I found a couple options at Mouser:

EDAC 346-100-520-202: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/EDAC/346-100-520-202?qs=U4pz39agNJDnd12Cw%2BmJcA==
EDAC 346-100-526-802: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/EDAC/346-100-526-802?qs=nGgzEVoC1JoVQSsERhfqPg==

Is there a better choice or better vendor for S-100 edge card connectors? I'd prefer to not pay $15 for them, but I know they have become pricey.

Spacing of the solder pins on the back shouldn't matter -- my plan for now is just to manually attach some power leads to it.

I found a 20-slot Thinker Toys WunderBuss backplane that I think I can rob connectors from. Previous owner already cut traces on it to change it from a 20-slot backplane into four separate backplanes, so I don't have any hesitation about borrowing some connectors from it!
Spacing of the solder pins on the back shouldn't matter -- my plan for now is just to manually attach some power leads to it.

I found a 20-slot Thinker Toys WunderBuss backplane that I think I can rob connectors from. Previous owner already cut traces on it to change it from a 20-slot backplane into four separate backplanes, so I don't have any hesitation about borrowing some connectors from it!
These connectors have become very expensive. Currently the best price is at this source:
Make sure you specify the "2x50 100pin" option before you place the order. These connectors have 0.25" spacing between rows of pins, which is the style used on all backplanes except the original Altair backplane.
Several people on the S100Computers Google Groups forum have purchased these recently, and although they are not from a well known manufacturer (like EDAC or Sullins) it was noted the connectors were as advertised.

De-soldering one of these connectors from a backplane, without significant damage to either the connector and/or the backplane board, is not easily done.
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Thanks hmb, I ordered some. I may still desolder one from my backplane if I get impatient, or I might just wait for the connectors. I do have a nice Hakko desoldering iron that does a pretty good job, though it still does take caution on anything really large like this.

I did desolder the connector from my backplane last week. Even at 100 pins, the hakko desoldering tool made short work of it and I removed it with no damage to connector or backplane.

I walked downstairs to grab a soda to celebrate, and found the aliexpress connectors unexpected waiting in my inbox. They probably arrived while I was desoldering the vintage one. :)

Ordering stuff from China seems much quicker lately. Used to take a month or more. This was like a week.

Anyhow, the aliexpress connectors seem fine. Sure they're not quite as nice as the vintage ones (which even have pin numbers marked) but for the price they're a pretty good deal.