Your tape TLIST looks fine!
Download as a zip file my entire 4050 Program repository from this page (click the green "CODE:" button and select Download zip):
Unzip the zip file in order to access all the individual files with the serial terminal program.
Type this command on your 4052:
If you see a CMFLAG parameter - then you have a 4052 with v5.1 BASIC firmware OR a 4052A.
That means you can use XON/XOFF serial protocol to transfer files at 9600 baud to/from your PC to your 4052 computer!
Now configure your 4052 serial interface:
CALL "RATE",9600,5,0 | to set the rate to 9600 baud, 8-bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
CALL "TSTRIN","","","" | stops the 4050 from modifying control characters on serial transmit
CALL "RSTRIN","","","" | stops the 4050 from modifying control characters on serial receive
CALL "CMFLAG",3 | set XON/XOFF protocol for serial TX and RX
I suggest using RealTerm serial terminal program. This program will be able to handle my 4050 programs in UNI format including not modifying the control characters used in Tektronix 4050 BASIC for PRINT control.
Configure realterm for the correct PC serial port, 9600 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, none Hardware Flow Control and check both Receive and Transmit Software Flow Control on the realterm Port tab and then check the Select button. Then select the realterm Capture tab to see the serial console window.
Now type on your 4052
You should see HELLO on the Realterm capture window!
If this works, you will be able to use Realterm capture window to receive a file from the 4052 and save it to the PC
I have more instructions on serial transfer on the main README file on my repository.
It has been a couple of years since I used serial transfer with my 4052 or 4054 - as I now use my Flash Drive microSD for file transfer.
All my latest 4050 BASIC programs are in UNI file format in the Flash Drive zip file in the Flash Drive directory on my repository.
Here is the link to the 4050 Serial Interface operators manual: