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Tektronix 4052A Screen CRT dead


I have some old tapes and replaced band with (plastibands) on my old DC600 tapes and now try to FIND 0 and MARK 1,510 for example to create new "file"into tape. Ok but when eject and put same tape not too good! TLIST sometimes goes sometimes doesnt
Now I try do you say before, aaand this is the result:


  • IMG_1014.jpg
    3.2 MB · Views: 12
Is your drive belt working in the tape in your photo?

If you gently try to move the tape capstan wheel with your finger - do both tape reels move smoothly?

You must execute a FIND command prior to executing the MARK command.

Try this:
MARK 3, 2000

Then run TLIST
It should find three files starting with file 1 of 2K size followed by a LAST file.

Without a LAST file, the 4050 cannot work properly with the tape.
Yes, the photo when I try to create some files into tape (restored DC600 tape with new beld).
Your tape TLIST looks fine!

Download as a zip file my entire 4050 Program repository from this page (click the green "CODE:" button and select Download zip):

Unzip the zip file in order to access all the individual files with the serial terminal program.

Type this command on your 4052:


If you see a CMFLAG parameter - then you have a 4052 with v5.1 BASIC firmware OR a 4052A.
That means you can use XON/XOFF serial protocol to transfer files at 9600 baud to/from your PC to your 4052 computer!

Now configure your 4052 serial interface:

CALL "RATE",9600,5,0      | to set the rate to 9600 baud, 8-bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
CALL "TSTRIN","","",""    | stops the 4050 from modifying control characters on serial transmit
CALL "RSTRIN","","",""    | stops the 4050 from modifying control characters on serial receive
CALL "CMFLAG",3           | set XON/XOFF protocol for serial TX and RX

I suggest using RealTerm serial terminal program. This program will be able to handle my 4050 programs in UNI format including not modifying the control characters used in Tektronix 4050 BASIC for PRINT control.

Configure realterm for the correct PC serial port, 9600 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, none Hardware Flow Control and check both Receive and Transmit Software Flow Control on the realterm Port tab and then check the Select button. Then select the realterm Capture tab to see the serial console window.

Now type on your 4052


You should see HELLO on the Realterm capture window!

If this works, you will be able to use Realterm capture window to receive a file from the 4052 and save it to the PC

I have more instructions on serial transfer on the main README file on my repository.

It has been a couple of years since I used serial transfer with my 4052 or 4054 - as I now use my Flash Drive microSD for file transfer.

All my latest 4050 BASIC programs are in UNI file format in the Flash Drive zip file in the Flash Drive directory on my repository.

Here is the link to the 4050 Serial Interface operators manual:
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Awesome. I got it! :)

This night I'll try to transfer some programs for PC to my 4052A.

Thanks for advance
You have a 4052A! The A-Series 4052 and 4054 have some structured BASIC commands added to 4050 BASIC.

Do you have any manuals with your 4054A computer?

The bitsavers.org and TekWiki links in my previous post have almost all the 4050 documents scanned and posted, except for the Option ROM manuals - which I have most of them posted on my github repository.

Do you have any of the 4052 Option ROM Packs?
You have a 4052A! The A-Series 4052 and 4054 have some structured BASIC commands added to 4050 BASIC.

Do you have any manuals with your 4054A computer?

The bitsavers.org and TekWiki links in my previous post have almost all the 4050 documents scanned and posted, except for the Option ROM manuals - which I have most of them posted on my github repository.

Do you have any of the 4052 Option ROM Packs?
I don't have anything, only machine. I rescued this precious machine from Computer Science building basement, part of University Computer Museum and we recover old machines.
Get some PDFs from tekwiki and bitsavers.

No don't have any option ROM Packs, but I seen on internet something created PCB that able to put option roms into EEPROM. Its possible?
I don't have anything, only machine. I rescued this precious machine from Computer Science building basement, part of University Computer Museum and we recover old machines.
Get some PDFs from tekwiki and bitsavers.

No don't have any option ROM Packs, but I seen on internet something created PCB that able to put option roms into EEPROM. Its possible?
Since you are in Spain - I suggest you contact @jdreesen about getting one of his 4052 Multifunction ROM PCBs or assembled ROM Pack.

Some of my latest programs require the 4052R12 Enhanced Graphics ROM pack, some use other 4052 ROM packs.
I am using Jos Dreesen's 4052 Multifunction ROM Pack which allows you to program up to eight 4052 ROM Packs, plus can include a Real-Time-Clock and/or a second serial interface for a printer.

See his thread for more information:
Thanks I try to contact to @jdreesen as soon as possible.

Now I transferred some programs to 4052A using serial port and RealTerm but sometimes buffers in 4052A are full of other programs if interrupt transfer. Do you known how to reset communication inferface buffers on 4052A before old@40: ?

Thanks again
I believe you can reset the serial interface buffers if you type


and then press the User Definable Key 5 to exit the terminal emulator session - the buffers should be cleared.

The serial interface works best when accessed from a BASIC program - like what I describe in this document on github:

Also I needed put some character and line delay on RealTerm because sometimes I see data send are little messedup.

Thanks! :) I'm newbie on Tek computers :p
You are doing great!

You shouldn't need to add character or line delay on Realterm if you have selected XON/OFF protocol.

It worked fine for me at the highest speed the 4052 can support which is 9600 baud.

I did not experiment much with the CALL "TERMIN" terminal emulation. It apparently supports send and receive to a pre-MARKed tape file - if the file is MARKED large enough for the transfer.

I now see that my posted serial transfer instructions use 2400 baud and did NOT set the CMFLAG=3 for XON/XOFF.
You are doing great!

You shouldn't need to add character or line delay on Realterm if you have selected XON/OFF protocol.

It worked fine for me at the highest speed the 4052 can support which is 9600 baud.

I did not experiment much with the CALL "TERMIN" terminal emulation. It apparently supports send and receive to a pre-MARKed tape file - if the file is MARKED large enough for the transfer.

I now see that my posted serial transfer instructions use 2400 baud and did NOT set the CMFLAG=3 for XON/XOFF.
Now I try to use TAPE FILE TITLER to put the name files to tape but my DC600 tape are damaged!
I try to solve this issue. Now I lost format or tape missaligned and can't find header TLIST :(

I working on it.
If you are interested in my Tektronix 4050 GPIB Flash Drive - which emulates the Tektronix 4924 GPIB Tape Drive commands from any 4051, 4052 or 4054 computer and adds the ability to TLIST a directory of files and Change Directory - which makes it emulate a tape changer with as many "tapes" as you can store on a microSD card, check out my Flash Drive directory which includes a my user guide:



Message me on this forum if you are interested in ordering an assembled and tested Flash Drive - or look at my Flash Drive user guide which includes the Bill of Materials and schematic to build it yourself.
If you are interested in my Tektronix 4050 GPIB Flash Drive - which emulates the Tektronix 4924 GPIB Tape Drive commands from any 4051, 4052 or 4054 computer and adds the ability to TLIST a directory of files and Change Directory - which makes it emulate a tape changer with as many "tapes" as you can store on a microSD card, check out my Flash Drive directory which includes a my user guide:


View attachment 1284362

Message me on this forum if you are interested in ordering an assembled and tested Flash Drive - or look at my Flash Drive user guide which includes the Bill of Materials and schematic to build it yourself.
Thanks :)

Yes I think is definitive solution to avoid DC tapes.

But also I think to order separate parts by me and try to make it with your repo instructions and code. But how much if you build for me and send to spain?
One of the most useful 4052/4054 option ROM packs for a lot of my BASIC programs is the 4052R12 Graphics Enhancement ROM Pack.

You might be able to breadboard an R12 ROM Pack with four 2732 EPROMs and the diagram for one of the ROM Packs in the service manual:


@jdressen 4052 Diagnostic ROM Pack schematic from his ftp site might be a good starting point for a simple option ROM board as his schematic shows the pinout of the 4052/4054 ROM pack edge connector.

The 4052R12 ROM Pack only uses three 2732 EPROMs and the binary files are posted here:

I make heavy use of the R12 ROM Pack to speed up the vector graphics of my new MONOPOLY game and many other of my latest games, pictures, and bitmaps.
Ohh thanks when I had some extra time try to build @jdressen ROM pack PCB and burn ROMs into it. Because I see its possible use "fast graphics ROM"? maybe? and fonts ROM? Also as you say can had an Diagnostic Card.