I have had mostly great experiences,here on the VCF.In buying and trading,it's like how I expected it to be.My first instinct is to "Trust My Gut" when a Trade or Buy is being considered.I'm from a background where "Horse Tradin'" is a skill you picked up while you were a kid.You learned about how to treat folks and the meaning of Good and Bad that way.There is no rule more universal in the history of Mankind as the "Golden Rule".No religion or belief system can lay claim to it either.It is a truism of ALL human beings.Do to others as you want them to do to you.Damn,it's that simple.I do wish the" World at Large" was a simpler place where this one "RULE" held sway.
Sadly it is not so.In every day of our lives we are beset by those who have NO interest in remembering that one simple rule.What then can be done?
My solution is to try to say something when a good act is made.Reinforcement is the best way to point out "Good Behavior".A person likes to receive praise,it's a neurosystem response that we have "Hardwired".Yes i know it's overly simplistic,but hey,it works for me.
Thanks to all of you here on VCF who've had dealings with me in the pastI l look forward to more of the same in the future!
Sadly it is not so.In every day of our lives we are beset by those who have NO interest in remembering that one simple rule.What then can be done?
My solution is to try to say something when a good act is made.Reinforcement is the best way to point out "Good Behavior".A person likes to receive praise,it's a neurosystem response that we have "Hardwired".Yes i know it's overly simplistic,but hey,it works for me.
Thanks to all of you here on VCF who've had dealings with me in the pastI l look forward to more of the same in the future!