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What is the oldest CPU (AMD or Intel) that will enable Windows 11 unofficially?

I like that. ,👍
All old cars have charm.. even an amc gremlin or a yugo...

It would be nice to see people restore more avg cars too.

Yugo was like the 3rd best Yugoslav car and Yugoslav cars weren't actually preferred by Yugoslavs, VW was a hit and whoever could get it got it. All of Yugoslav cars were mass produced to be affordable domestically, with some more limoish models to be bought by businesses and state institutions. Yugoslav VW in Bosnia rolled out north of half a million cars between 1977 and 1992, Golfs 1/2, Caddys and Jettas.

Pity for Yugo tho, the last o.g. socialist version was Florida which looked like a decent car, Fiat Tipo-ish.

The best thing about that car tho, doesn't have anything to do with cars. Croatian ports could actually ship out big amounts of cargo to USA on regular basis. When someone does an article on this, shipbuilding and logistics of Croatia in 2nd part of 20th century, this picture is usually attached :


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LAst working yugo I saw was 2008 in San Diego. Someone in the Gas Lamp had one as their daily driver. Trabants on the other hand can be spotted pretty regularly through europe.

On a similar note. The first time I went to San Francisco in 1999 there were VW bugs EVERYWHERE! And plenty of small garages that repaired them everywhere (with a bug up on the lift). When I took my wire there a few years back so she could see the Bay.. The city was drastically different. No more legions of homeless people, Silicon valley moved in and the price of everything skyrocketed.. Some of its charm lost.. And not a single VW bug in sight. Shame. At least they got rid of the army of homeless people.
Portland OR with it tent cities everywhere could use the same treatment.
Bug's a classic, it has actual undercarriage and can be easily reassembled. That car is old school even for the 70s.

Wait are you saying there aren't legions of homeless in SF anymore? I thought this is current problem, not something from 25 years ago.
Bug's a classic, it has actual undercarriage and can be easily reassembled. That car is old school even for the 70s.

Wait are you saying there aren't legions of homeless in SF anymore? I thought this is current problem, not something from 25 years ago.
I dunno about this very moment but like I said in 1999 there were a dozen homeless people on every corner down town. A few years ago when I was last there we saw... two in total. PORTLAND OR, on the other hand was loaded to the brim with vagrants and lunatics and tent cities EVERYWHERE. It was not an enjoyable trip at all.
I have seen a few unrestored still running around central europe. Im Sure lots of people are nostalgic for them. Same for the 3 wheel reliant in Britain.
Well there's two-fold: for all its faults the Trabant actually has good gas millage so its a fine every-day-driver. And as far as "classic cars" goes its still one of the cheapest you can possibly buy. So it makes a lot of sense.

With all this talk of Win11 on old computers, has anyone given any thought to having a 32-bit version of Win11? Is such a thing possible?
There is no 32-bit version. Its not being made.
I have tried Win7 and Win10 on the same hardware, and Win10 is definitely faster to load programs. But Win10 also has a bunch of bugs that never seem to get fixed.

With all this talk of Win11 on old computers, has anyone given any thought to having a 32-bit version of Win11? Is such a thing possible?
Windows 11 is 64-bit only, however Windows 10 and Windows 7 offer 32-bit versions.