It makes no sense to a post 100% IBM compatible mindset, but they didn't have that mindset for a time. I have to presume that they thought that they could go the direction they wanted and that operating systems and programs would be ported over. Maybe there was an expectation of porting that didn't exist some time later as well.
Something that's a little lost to history is that there was a window following the IBM PC's introduction in late 1981 where serious market players assumed that the "MS-DOS" market would mirror what came earlier with CP/M, IE, that each manufacturer would be free to customize/enhance their machines however they pleased and compatibility limited to a set of documented DOS API and PC BIOS calls. (Which, FWIW, is at least a *considerably* richer programming environment than you get with CP/M; CP/M natively basically only supports paper teletype terminals; if your MS-DOS clone implements INT10h you at least get video terminal functions, including rudimentary graphics support.)
It wasn't at all obvious that strict hardware-level compatibility with the IBM machine was going to be a requirement, since up to this point not only had the CP/M market not gone that way, the most popular individual computers on the market were in fact completely proprietary systems like the TRS-80 and Apple II, where disk formats were basically the lowest thing on the list preventing easy portability of data and software between them. And as a result there were a ton of not-very-PC-Compatible MS-DOS computers that came out between 1982 and late 1983-ish, where it did become obvious that IBM's machine had become the 800 pound gorilla in the room and programmers weren't interested in either customizing their software for every machine that came out or restricting themselves to the compatible BIOS calls at the cost of limited functionality. Just off the top of my head here's a list of not-PC-Compatible MS-DOS machines that came out in this period.:
Tandy 2000
Sanyo MBC550/555
TI Professional PC
Victor 9000/Sirius 1
Heathkit/Zenith Z-100
HP 110 portable and HP 150 Touchscreen
NEC APC series
Mindset PC
Durango Poppy
... and a bunch more that I can't quite dredge up, and no doubt more that I've never heard of. Some, but not all, of these computers could read an IBM PC disk, but even that wasn't a given; the Tandy 2000 and several others used 80 track disk drives that had issues reliably writing 40 track disks, others like the HP and Apricot products used 3.5" disks before they showed up in PC compatibles, the Victor 9000 used a GCR disk format like that of a Commodore computer, and some models of the NEC APC even used 8" floppies.
Anyway, like with CP/M it's possible to write a "generic" MS-DOS program that will run on any of these systems if you can get it onto the right disk format, but unless the program allows selecting specific video/console drivers it's going to be limited to relatively simple console interaction... which, again, was "fine" with CP/M since CP/M was designed around 1970's vintage dumb terminals, but it became clear that wasn't going to fly in the PC market in 1983 because people were starting to get hooked on a higher standard of interaction. Ironically a lot of these not-PC machines actually had better graphics and other capabilities than IBM's products, so you could argue that they would have been "worth" the effort to customize software specifically for them, but... that's kind of the curse of "compatibility"; if you're compatible with a least common denominator that's all you're going to get until you sell enough copies of your particular machine to get special treatment. IBM sold enough PCs to get "special treatment", so anyone churning out a clone that was compatible enough with IBM's to run software targeting it over "generic" MS-DOS is going to have out of the gate a more attractive software library than an computer that has a ton of bells and whistles that nobody is using yet.
Ultimately what "fixed" this was environments like Windows that offered APIs to do "everything" without targeting the hardware directly, but those kind of environments need more powerful computers than Z80 or 8088 PCs.