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XCOM vintage gui system

In your User FAQ, you mention that wheel mice are not supported because there is no mouse driver support. This is not fully true, the CuteMouse driver defined a wheel API (check out https://github.com/FDOS/mouse/blob/master/wheelapi.txt) and supports wheel mice.

Regarding actual 80386 and NOFPU support, you can test using PCem / PCjs or other reasonably accurate emulators to verify that your project works. This would also help to implement Hercules support even if you don't have hardware yourself.

If you already support monochrome 640x350, you can easily support monochrome 640x480 as well (which works on any MCGA/VGA card even without VESA driver). The 16-color 640x480 resolution is a bit annoying to use, so I understand why you don't want to support it. :)

Your "Download" page does not specify the project license and refers to the software itself ("For the license, see Start / Information / License.txt"). I shouldn't have to run XCOM in order to know whether I am allowed to run it. (Just replace the text with a link to the license or the FAQ which contains the license already.)

For networking support, you can use Wattcp-32 or Trumpet's TSR (check out http://ftp.sunet.se/mirror/archive/ftp.sunet.se/pub/simtelnet/trumpet/tcp-abi/tcp201.spe for documentation). Note that you cannot use mTCP, as it is GPLv3 and linked into the application, therefore fundamentally incompatible with closed-source projects.
CuteMouse driver defined a wheel API
Thankyou for pointing out this, i was not aware of a wheel api in cutemouse. I have added this to my todo list, and i will try to implement it in the next release.

Hercules support
I am sorry but i was not updating the FAQ properly. Hercules/CGA/EGA, various monochrome modes are already supported by XCOM for a while, i have mentioned this in the version information, but haven't actualized the FAQ on the website. I simply dont have enough time for this project, but i am trying to fix the outdated FAQ once i accumulate enough mental energy somehow to do it.

I am aware of it, i will try it out and as soon as it works, i will do a release.
2023, sept 20. - Hotfix release

-Fixed escape key interaction with right click menus
-Right clicking in right click local menus will open the menu element (requested by analog_programmer).
-Shutdown and reboot commands are now executed when requested in the DOS version (reported by analog_programmer).
-Fixed Manual and Automatic aspect ratio/resolution radio button status (reported by analog_programmer).