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8080 SBC - Integrated Computer Systems


Veteran Member
Jun 20, 2003
Northwest (UK)
Hi Folks!

Just picked up a nice 8080 training system and was wondering if anybody had any documentation? In particular, I'm after any schematics. Has an expansion port labelled 'S100' which intrigues me :)

Here are some photos...
DSC07368.jpg DSC07369.jpg

Oops! Sorry, only just seen your reply. No, I've still not managed to locate any documentation for this board.

Documentation for this ICS 8080 trainer is rare has hen's teeth. I've only found one individual who claims he has the documentation but has yet to locate it.

If anyone has documentation to include the schematic for this particular board (not the smaller, newer?, S100-based board) I am sure archives and restorers everywhere will appreciate it. I have one that needs repair and the schematic would go a long way to help with that.

john - colorado springs, co
UPDATE - no documentation yet. But I was able to repair one of these for a friend. The smaller, newer board I referenced may actually be older but I am not sure based upon the parts on it. There is plenty documentation for the smaller board. The design is probably identical to the NEC TK-80. I used the English documentation to sorta help with troubleshooting and repair but the circuits are different enough that they don't help with tracing connections.

So, still looking for docs but am a little more familiar with the design after the repair job.

John - Colorado Springs, CO
UPDATE - some documentation located.

The owner of the board I repaired did locate another owner if this board who has full documentation but is unwilling to scan the documents for us. He did, however, provide a scan of the 10 page schematic for this board. This is the ICS/Learning Tree 8080 trainer a.k.a. AMTS board (MTS - Microcomputer Training System?) I'll share a link here for the schematic as well as the Monitor Hex file, AMTS v2.7 .

We are not done pursuing documentation, mostly to provide it to the vintage world but also because the schematic does NOT have the tape i/o section (probably documented elsewhere) nor do we have info on the tape i/o routines in the monitor. From the other TK-80 system documentation, we could see the tape i/o routines in that system's monitor but could not locate routines or entry points in this AMTS monitor. Still searching......




BTW, the Interface Training System Workbook does document the board that was available for both the AMTS board and the TK-80 board - the tape i/o references inside it are for the TK-80 board.

Hello again,

Evidently I was remiss in not crediting the acquisition of these documents to Bob Sylvester. Bob worked very hard in locating and obtaining these documents so he deserves a ton of credit. He did, however, pass them to me to scan. Anyway, I apologized to Bob and I do so to you as well for not giving credit where credit was due. But enjoy.

John Evans - Colorado Springs, CO
Did you scan those non-destructively, or did you have to break the spines of the manuals? The scans are good quality and don't appear to be distorted. Looks as though the pages were flat when they were scanned. Seems like that would be difficult to do while keeping the bindings intact.
Did you scan those non-destructively, or did you have to break the spines of the manuals? The scans are good quality and don't appear to be distorted. Looks as though the pages were flat when they were scanned. Seems like that would be difficult to do while keeping the bindings intact.

Yes, those were perfect bound so I had to break the spines and even trimmed a tiny amount from the glued edge. Once that was accomplished, the sheets fed nicely into the auto-feeder of my wife's color laser multi-function printer (mine doesn't do automatic duplex scanning). There were several spots where the glue had seeped between sheets but only one area that gave me trouble - if I recall it was in the Interface manual volume 2 beginning around page 7-10 or so where there was no way to get the sheets separated and I had to do some creative manual touch up to at least get the info in there.

BTW, the most useful tool in all of this was a utility I purchase called Scanpapyrus that basically scans each double sided page and builds a document out of them. I can export to pdf from within that utility. My work computer has Adobe Acrobat DC which does OCR recognition while going into the edit mode. Both programs helped out tremendously.

Hope that describes the process in enough detail.

John - Colorado Springs, CO
It is appreciated that someone took one for the team and sacrificed the bound manuals to produce good quality scans. Those manuals seem fairly uncommon to find. Most people that have them probably want to keep them intact if the bindings haven't already fallen apart.
Bravo Al,

Thanks a ton ! I appreciate it.

If anyone initially grabbed the files when I first posted my link, I added some mp3 files extracted from cassette tape that are the programs in Vol1 and Vol2 of the Interface manual. Hopefully, they will load for folks if they get to that point in the course. This was one tape that came with my personal boards. Again, Bob Sylvester did the legwork in locating and obtaining the manuals but could not handle the books due to "old book mold syndrome", so he passed them to me to scan since I had the capability.

john - colorado springs, co