Experienced Member
Should be no probem at all. In fact you can do it 99% right now with the WD16 version - all but running the .LITs.
Use VDKSHOW to peruse your SD image then mount it as a subsys in WD16 & copy as you like. The WD16 container has a bunch of empty 30+ meg logicals (like 60000 free blocks each).
The WD16 version also has TAPDIR, TAPFIL, & FILTAP support so you can use it to migrate your SD images to your host window or linux file system.
Use VDKSHOW to peruse your SD image then mount it as a subsys in WD16 & copy as you like. The WD16 container has a bunch of empty 30+ meg logicals (like 60000 free blocks each).
The WD16 version also has TAPDIR, TAPFIL, & FILTAP support so you can use it to migrate your SD images to your host window or linux file system.