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Digital UNIX/Tru64 Patches


Experienced Member
Feb 4, 2015
New Zealand
I'm looking for Tru64 aggregate patch kits, in particular the most recent ones for 5.1B, 5.1A, 5.1, 5.0 and 4.0G which don't appear to be available online anywhere anymore, but older ones may be interesting to find too. From late 2003 until late 2010 HP made them available in ftp.itrc.hp.com/patch_bundles/tru64/ if there don't seem to be any public mirrors of it out there.

I believe the most recent ones for Tru64 5.1B, 5.1A, 5.1, 5.0 and 4.0G should be named: T64V51BB29AS0008-20100821, T64V51AB24AS0006-20031031, T64V51B20AS0006-20030210, T64V50AS0004-20010723 and T64V40GB22AS0004-20030731 (all .tar files, perhaps with a .pdf release notes and .html readme)

Places I've looked so far: My mirror of ftp.digital.com/public and the wayback machines copies of: ftp.service.digital.com, ftp1.service.digital.com, ftp.service.digital.co.uk, ftp.support.compaq.com, ftp1.support.compaq.com, ftp11.support.compaq.com, ftp.support.compaq.com.au.

What I've found so far I've put on this page. Anyone have any of the most recent ones or anything else that's currently missing?
Yes! That's extremely helpful! In the old/ directory are the final patch kits for 4.0G, 5.0 and 5.1, plus a few older patches I've not seen anywhere else.

So now its just Tru64 5.1B and 5.1A that are missing their latest patch kits - T64V51BB29AS0008-20100821.tar and T64V51AB24AS0006-20031031.tar.
I'm not sure what you're looking for is there, but there's a lot of stuff here
yep, that's my FTP server! Unfortunately when I grabbed that stuff from ITRC years ago I didn't realize the aggregate patch kits were stored elsewhere (under /pub/patch_bundles/tru64/ rather than /pub/tru64_patches) so I never got any of the 5.1B patches or the last one for 5.1A. It seems other people made a similar mistake - every copy of Tru64 patches I've seen that came from ftp.itrc.hp.com excluded the final aggregate patch kits.
During the last weeks i got through some media kits i have.
For v5.1b there is an -3 Patch Kit CD, and eventually also an NHD-7 CD; maybe i find more in the future.
Do you have the FW update CDs ? I can look what i have...
Someone has sent me 5.1B patch kits 3, 4 and 5 so I'll aim to get those on the page tonight. I think I've also got a copy of NHD-7 on the FTP server somewhere which I should probably add to the page too but I've not had a close look at it yet - the newest Alpha I've got is a DS20 which predates 4.0F so I've never needed to look at the NHD stuff before.

As for firmware update CDs, I think most of them are on archive.org, though there are several versions on my FTP server too as part of various Digital UNIX/Tru64 media kits I've bought over time.

Its kind of surprising how little Digital UNIX/Tru64 stuff there is out there now - it seems to have become a bit obscure since I last had a play with it. HP/HPE split and the deletion of the website probably hasn't helped much.
Years ago i found an webserver of an university in uk who still had lots of stuff up at one department.
i thought it was something with church and canterbury.
After g search i am more confused, there is the university of canterbury in .nz and the university of Kent in uk with an canterbury campus...
Does that ring some bells at your side ?
I have to look into an external backup, eventually it is there...
You're right with archive, i will take a better look into it searchwise.
Imo the thing with Dunix / Tru64 is that more people are eventually into OpenVMS or just Linux/BSD on Alpha.
And also there has been some hardware saved from recycling, but as always accessories like media kits and the PAK paperwork is stil forgotten.
So there may be problems with licensing.

Ironwise here is some hardware waiting to get up and running, years ago i saved an 8-node Tru64 Memory-Channel II Cluster including hub and cabling...:)))
Looking at the NHD-7 readme it looks like it also applies to 5.1A and will install patch kit 6 if required. Not as nice as just finding the .tar file but it does mean that until it turns up there is at least a way of updating 5.1A with whats available online today. And it also turns out I've got a copy of NHD-7 on CD-ROM - part AG-RJ1YL-BE, apparently it was in the 5.1B-4 media kit. I've also managed to track down NHD-6 (5.1B, 5.1A), NHD-5 and NHD-4 (5.1A), and NHD-3 (4.0F) plus the readme file for NHD-2 (4.0F) - they're all linked to on the updates page now.

Cambridge university has a bunch of Tru64 patches online (linked above and now mirrored) but nothing newer than 5.1A Patch Kit 5. There are two NZ universities with Tru64 documentation online (Canterbury and Auckland) but I don't think they've got any interesting files online anymore.

And yeah, availability of media and licenses is probably an issue - the usual places don't seem to have much Digital UNIX/Tru64 online and not everyone will be happy with the LMF workarounds. Thankfully one of my Alphas came with 4.0F/5.0A/5.1/5.1A/5.1B media and HP was nice enough to ship me a free 5.1B-4 media kit with non-commercial licenses when I asked back in 2007!