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How to Start hardware of 8085up......??

;Flash a LED on SOD
;Top of RAM @ 0x4000

START:  LXI H, 4000h

        CALL DELAY
        MVI A, 40h
        CALL DELAY
        JMP FLASH

;Delay, return to HL when done.
                MOV B, A
PT1:    DCR A
PT2:    DCR B
                JNZ PT2
                CPI 00h
                JNZ PT1

Line   Addr Opcodes     Label   Instruction

0001   0000 21 10 40            LXI H,4010H
0002   0003 F9                  SPHL
0003   0004 3E C0       L0002:  MVI A,0C0H
0004   0006 30                  SIM
0005   0007 CD 13 00            CALL L0001
0006   000A 3E 40               MVI A,40H
0007   000C 30                  SIM
0008   000D CD 13 00            CALL L0001
0009   0010 C3 04 00            JMP L0002
0010   0013 3E 1F       L0001:  MVI A,1FH
0011   0015 47                  MOV B,A
0012   0016 3D          L0004:  DCR A
0013   0017 05          L0003:  DCR B
0014   0018 C2 17 00            JNZ L0003
0015   001B FE 00               CPI 00H
0016   001D C2 16 00            JNZ L0004
0017   0020 C9                  RET

Sorted by address:      Sorted by name:

L0002:  0004            L0001:  0013
L0001:  0013            L0002:  0004
L0004:  0016            L0003:  0017
L0003:  0017            L0004:  0016
I want to ask from Glitch, as in his SOD testing video..Is the LED connected directly to SOD with Resistance or with some type of buffer..??and is he is using IO/M pin to 74138???
Please tell...
I have connected 22pf to pin 2 with GND and IO/M to pin 4and 5 of 74138 3 to 8 decoders....
but the output of decoder remain high is not getting low, why?
I have connected 22pf to pin 2 with GND and IO/M to pin 4and 5 of 74138 3 to 8 decoders....
but the output of decoder remain high is not getting low, why?
05012012143.jpg05012012144.jpg05012012145.jpgI am posting images of 8085 Board.
I have checked all connection are as per schematic and the reset circuit was with pull ups resistance and micro switch connected to GND.

Note:- I found that connecting ROM to board the code on it get changes, why I am using pull ups resistance also at RD and WR pin...
Please help.

The 2864 and 6264 in the PDF schematics lacks most of the connections to the power lines. If you didn't add those, then the two components won't get any power at all, and they'll certanly not work properly.
he 2864 and 6264 in the PDF schematics lacks most of the connections to the power lines. If you didn't add those, then the two components won't get any power at all, and they'll certanly not work properly.

Hello sir,

I think you are right the code in EEROM is getting overwritten don't know why??
My circuit is ad per schematic given above(Pdf).
Hi again,
I was wrong.
the pin behind the group of wire was not clear visible. when i was testing it the WE pin of 2864 i.e. ROM was open, not connected to Vcc that's why my code in EEPROM was overwritten.

I have remove that problem Now i have checked code they were not over written and the SOD pin was blinking LED very fast ..
That mean it is working COOL..!!

soon i will post the video of it..!!