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IBM PC AT 5170 BIOS versions


10k Member
May 29, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
According to:
1. Various editions of Upgrading & Repairing PC's (by Scott Mueller)
2. ROMs in possession
3. IBM's Technical Reference for the 5170

ROM U27 = 32K chip
ROM U47 = 32K chip
KNOWN ROM SETS = U27=6181028/U47=6181029
* Found on the type 1 motherboard (type 1 uses 'piggyback' type RAM chips).
* Designed for operation at 6 MHz only.
* Supports 15 hard drive types (with type 15 being reserved).
* Support for 360K and 1.2M floppy drives.

Memory map:
------: 0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F---
0F0000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRRRRRRRR
------: |<------------------------ U27/U47 ---------------------------->|

ROM U27 = 32K chip
ROM U47 = 32K chip
KNOWN ROM SETS = U27=6480090/U47=6480091
* Found on the type 2 motherboard (refer 5170 entry at the VCF Wiki).
* "POST fixes clock rate to 6 MHz"
* Supports 22 hard drive types (with type 15 being reserved).
* Added support for 720k diskette drive.

Memory map:
------: 0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F---
0F0000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRRRRRRRR
------: |<------------------------ U27/U47 ---------------------------->|

ROM U27 = 32K chip
ROM U47 = 32K chip
KNOWN ROM SETS = U27=61X9266/U47=61X9265 (EPROM) or U27=62X0820/U47=62X0821 (PROM)
* Found on the type 3 motherboard (refer 5170 entry at the VCF Wiki).
* "POST fixes clock rate to 8 MHz"
* Supports 23 hard drive types (with type 15 being reserved).
* Added support for 1.44M diskette drive (you can boot from a 1.44M diskette).
* Added support for the 101-key Enhanced keyboard.

Memory map:
------: 0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F---
0F0000: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRRRRRRRR
------: |<------------------------ U27/U47 ---------------------------->|
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Drive types in 5170 BIOS

Drive types in 5170 BIOS

More 5170 BIOS related information for this sticky:

The first 5170 BIOS (dated 01/10/84) supports 15 drive types:

Type Cyls  Heads   WPC  Ctrl    LZ  S/T
  1   306    4     128   00h   305   17   (10.2 MB)
  2   615    4     300   00h   615   17   (20.4 MB) (e.g. CMI6426, ST-4026)
  3   615    6     300   00h   615   17   (30.6 MB)
  4   940    8     512   00h   940   17   (62.4 MB)
  5   940    6     512   00h   940   17   (46.8 MB)
  6   615    4   65535   00h   615   17   (20.4 MB)
  7   462    8     256   00h   511   17   (30.7 MB)
  8   733    5   65535   00h   733   17   (30.4 MB)
  9   900   15   65535   08h   901   17   ( 112 MB)
 10   820    3   65535   00h   820   17   (20.4 MB)
 11   855    5   65535   00h   855   17   (35.5 MB)
 12   855    7   65535   00h   855   17   (49.7 MB)
 13   306    8     128   00h   319   17   (20.3 MB)
 14   733    7   65535   00h   733   17   (42.6 MB)
 15     0    0       0   00h     0    0   (Reserved)

The second 5170 BIOS (dated 06/10/85) extents that to 22 types:

 16   612    4       0   00h   663   17   (20.3 MB)
 17   977    5     300   00h   977   17   (40.6 MB)
 18   977    7   65535   00h   977   17   (56.8 MB)
 19  1024    7     512   00h  1023   17   (59.5 MB)
 20   733    5     300   00h   732   17   (30.4 MB) (e.g. IBM0665, ST-4038)
 21   733    7     300   00h   732   17   (42.6 MB)
 22   733    5     300   00h   733   17   (30.4 MB)

The third 5170 BIOS (dated 11/15/85) extents that to 23 types:

 23   306    4       0   00h   336   17   (10.2 MB)
More 5170 BIOS related information for this sticky:

The first 5170 BIOS (dated 01/10/84) supports 15 drive types:

Type Cyls  Heads   WPC  Ctrl    LZ  S/T
  1   306    4     128   00h   305   17   (10.2 MB)
  2   615    4     300   00h   615   17   (20.4 MB) (e.g. CMI6426, ST-4026)
  3   615    6     300   00h   615   17   (30.6 MB)
  4   940    8     512   00h   940   17   (62.4 MB)
  5   940    6     512   00h   940   17   (46.8 MB)
  6   615    4   65535   00h   615   17   (20.4 MB)
  7   462    8     256   00h   511   17   (30.7 MB)
  8   733    5   65535   00h   733   17   (30.4 MB)
  9   900   15   65535   08h   901   17   ( 112 MB)
 10   820    3   65535   00h   820   17   (20.4 MB)
 11   855    5   65535   00h   855   17   (35.5 MB)
 12   855    7   65535   00h   855   17   (49.7 MB)
 13   306    8     128   00h   319   17   (20.3 MB)
 14   733    7   65535   00h   733   17   (42.6 MB)
 15     0    0       0   00h     0    0   (Reserved)

The second 5170 BIOS (dated 06/10/85) extents that to 22 types:

 16   612    4       0   00h   663   17   (20.3 MB)
 17   977    5     300   00h   977   17   (40.6 MB)
 18   977    7   65535   00h   977   17   (56.8 MB)
 19  1024    7     512   00h  1023   17   (59.5 MB)
 20   733    5     300   00h   732   17   (30.4 MB) (e.g. IBM0665, ST-4038)
 21   733    7     300   00h   732   17   (42.6 MB)
 22   733    5     300   00h   733   17   (30.4 MB)

The third 5170 BIOS (dated 11/15/85) extents that to 23 types:

 23   306    4       0   00h   336   17   (10.2 MB)

Do you happen to know if I can use the 2nd and third BIOS on my 286 6mhz motherboard which has the first BIOS version?

edit: I see you answered this in another post, thanks! :)
I just got my IBM "bible" (well it has a lot of info anyway) and I am not sure if this has been posted here already but here goes.
This comes from the Service Information Manual, page 9-21, 5170 System Information and has the BIOS part number per model and per serial number range.
It talks about the models 068, 099, 239, 319 and 339.

If anyone wants to I can scan the pages to a pdf or something.

Ow and then there is also the AT/370 (just reading from the manual).
I understand that there were after market bios for the 5170. Does anyone have any links or info about them? I believe Award had a bios that went in the 5170.

I've come up blank doing searches.

I just got an IBM 5170. After opening I noticed it doesn't have the original bios, but has two EPROMS with Quadtel bios instead. Can't find anything about that bios being in a 5170. I found the original bios at http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/bios/bios.htm, but before I empty the 'Quadtel'-eproms and load the correct bios in there I was wondering if anyone has information about this Quadtel bios and or is interested in a dump of these roms.
I just got an IBM 5170. After opening I noticed it doesn't have the original bios, but has two EPROMS with Quadtel bios instead. Can't find anything about that bios being in a 5170. I found the original bios at http://www.minuszerodegrees.net/bios/bios.htm, but before I empty the 'Quadtel'-eproms and load the correct bios in there I was wondering if anyone has information about this Quadtel bios and or is interested in a dump of these roms.

I'd be interested in a dump of the ROMS... do you have an EPROM programmer, or would you just dump them using debug and have me split them manually?

EDIT: I see that modem7 put it on his page... nevermind. I should've checked first XD.
What's the difference between a type 20 and type 22. I got a st-4038 that someone wrote type 22 but all the docs say type 20?


What's the difference between a type 20 and type 22. I got a st-4038 that someone wrote type 22 but all the docs say type 20?
ANSWER RE IBM 5170 BIOS: See [here].

ANSWER RE OTHER BIOS': Varies from BIOS to BIOS. Levels of IBM compatibility vary. Some clones may have been using 20 and 22 before IBM did.
Is it absolutely pertinent that 150ns or faster EPROMS be used? Would I be causing problems if I used 200ns (which is pretty much all I've got)?

Also, someone asked the question without posting a link - is it a problem using the most recent BIOS in a type 1 6mhz planar?
Is it absolutely pertinent that 150ns or faster EPROMS be used? Would I be causing problems if I used 200ns (which is pretty much all I've got)?
IBM are the ones who indicated 150 ns (quote: "ROM is not parity-checked. Its access time is 150 nanoseconds ...").
You could try 200 ns, and if lock-ups are experienced from time to time, then either your EPROMs are bad, or 200 ns is not fast enough.

Also, someone asked the question without posting a link - is it a problem using the most recent BIOS in a type 1 6mhz planar?
An answer is [here].
IBM are the ones who indicated 150 ns (quote: "ROM is not parity-checked. Its access time is 150 nanoseconds ...").
You could try 200 ns, and if lock-ups are experienced from time to time, then either your EPROMs are bad, or 200 ns is not fast enough.

An answer is [here].

Thanks. I found one chip that's 150ns. Hopefully I'll find a second to complete the pair.

As for the 601 error upon boot, I'm presuming press F1 and the system operates normally? I believe it presently has an AMI or Award BIOS in there now, but I want to revert back to the IBM BIOS so I can install OS/2 1.x.

It's a shame it's not able to modify the newer BIOS images to not give the 601 error; I'm going to assume part of that is due to the new Type 20 HDD added to the drive table?
As for the 601 error upon boot, I'm presuming press F1 and the system operates normally?
I do not remember.

It's a shame it's not able to modify the newer BIOS images to not give the 601 error; I'm going to assume part of that is due to the new Type 20 HDD added to the drive table?
I think the behaviour is either:

1. Done on purpose; or
2. A bug introduced when the BIOS authors modified the floppy portion to cater for 720K drives and diskettes; or
3. A bug introduced when the BIOS authors modified the floppy portion to improve the BIOS.

With enough effort (investigation + fix), either can be removed. If the behaviour was done on purpose, it may not be wise to remove it. Again, it all 'boils down to' the results of an investigation.
Hey Everyone,

Sorry if this is mildly off-topic, but I have a few 5170's I'm working on and I hit a really weird issue. I am trying to use a 128mb DOM IDE module on a 16-bit IDE card with the AMI Bios in a 5170. I was able to make the chips, and it's coming up fine. The module I'm using has a geometry of 492 Cylinders, 16 heads and 32 sectors which is well below the 504mb limit. The machine comes up with this setting, sees the HD, lets me FDISK and format and then, nothing! After playing around some more, I booted from a floppy and go right to the C drive no issue. It will let me create a directory, and copy files from the floppy. I then just tried to run command.com from the root, and then I get a read error. I then noticed, I cannot seem to read anything from the drive no matter what I do! I thought perhaps it was just responding too quickly, and the only other drive I have sitting around is an older 200gb IDE. I set it to 1024-16-63 which is the 504 limit, and I get the exact same behavior. Maybe this drive is too fast too?

Whatever the case, I'm really perplexed on what else to try short of getting an older HD. I was hoping this setup would work.

Has anyone seen this, or any suggestions?
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I've got motherboard of original IBM PC 5170 motherboard (01/10/84) and dumped it by DUMPAT.EXE.

Then I splited dumped BIOS by using WinHex.

Now. original BIOS of IBM PC 5170 (01/10/84) is verified perfectly.