Veteran Member
I only have one eprom left blank (no uv eraser at this time). I dont want to burn the same thing again and make another dud.
This is the eprom I used. Could it be an incompatibility issue? View attachment 60173
Can anyone verify if these settings are correct? I don't want to burn another Dud.
Yes i did check the pins. I would adsume if they were bent the burn would have fsiled or it would fail verification. Both said "success"
Oh right. Yes the socket and ics are fine. Keep switching back to original rom
Since you already verified your eprom flash, i'm doubtful reflashing it will change anything. Maybe theres something else to check?
Which shim/adapter did you build?
This one, but I dont know if thats a concern as the adapter and the FreHD arent connected. I am just trying to post the machine on the new Rom without the adapter or freHD connectedView attachment 60219View attachment 60220
If the system image has been successfully read, KayPLUS will respond that it has detected
that the disk is not a KayPLUS system disk, then automatically install the new BOOT and
BIOS routines. The MAIN MENU will appear next.
If you are running under CP/M 2.2F or CP/M 2.2U, the operating system also must be
modified to work with KayPLUS, using the FIX22F program
Interesting. I guess shirsch can confirm whether it works by itself without any shims or anything.
Well the second burned ROM had the same results of a blank screen and nothing else. I really cant believe that the rom would have nothing on the screen and require the freHD. The freHD has nothing to do with the ROM. The 4/84 has a hdd controller on board the freHD acts as the drive mechanism. Are you saying if the drive/frehd were to die the machine wouldn't post and give you access to a floppy based computer? I dont know that seems unlikely.
Shirsch I can try a turboROM, might as well. Where do I find info?