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I'm glad to be here, too, but I am unsure how group posting differs from the rest of the forum. Are these posts inaccessible to non-Apple II Users group forum members? If so, then it seems a shame that members who visit the Early Apple area of the forum will miss out on info they might be interested in and need.

Of course, they could join the group to access that info, but what is so secret about the content of this group's comments that they cannot be shared openly in the Early Apple threads? And won't we find ourselves inevitably duplicating content from this thread on the Early Apple threads when the same subjects come up?

Please don't take this as a criticism of this group or the concept of groups, but rather as my confusion about the purpose and conduct of such groups.
Right, I understand your confusion, because I was confused at first, too. Groups make it easier for people who enjoy only a certain type of system to communicate with each other easier.

Although people can post to the Apple II forum, we can share pictures, resources, etc. here much easier than through the Link Exchange area, which most people tend not to look at. Nothing secret, just makes it easier.

Also, we can discuss certain topics here without crowding the Apple II forum, and we get a cool "Apple II Users" badge in our profile pages. :D
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" (You'll have to Google that if you're too young to get that reference.)

Yeah, well, okay, let's see how it goes.