Experienced Member
Well the board is the same size as the main board on the PET. This is an ieee-488 to RS-232 adapter basically. So you can connect RS-232 devices to the PET. Shouldnt this device work?
My concern is what viable Terminal program is there for the PET? Does anyone have one? Is there a good one?
I don't know about good, but there was this McTerm that used a modem connected to the user port via some sort of interface.
I also found a list of terminal programs for the PET here:
100 REM "ICPUG PET Comms" pc 2c
110 REM 47 "8010 modem drivr" prg - terminal pgm for 8010
120 REM 2 "autodial ml" prg - machine language for autodial term
130 REM 27 "autodial term" prg - extended term pgm for 40/80 col w/rs232
140 REM 18 "autoterm/16" prg - terminal program for 4016
150 REM 6 "cbm 8010" prg - simple basic terminal pgm for 8010 modem
160 REM 32 "comm primer" prg - communications presentation
170 REM 25 "freq generator!" prg - generates modem noises
180 REM 7 "intelcom" seq - describes how to use intelcom
190 REM 4 "intelcom3" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on skinny 40
200 REM 4 "intelcom3/40" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on fat 40
210 REM 4 "intelcom4" prg - m/l to handle rs232 modem on 8032
220 REM 5 "logger" prg - as per 'cbm 8010' plus log to disk
230 REM 14 "morse tutor" prg - test your morse code capability
240 REM 4 "morse-bttrfld" prg - more morse code
250 REM 7 "rs232 doc" seq - describes how to attach rs232 on user port
260 REM 3 "supercom" prg - m/l for terminal.s12
270 REM 28 "term inst1" seq - instruction for 'terminal.xxx' pgms (wp)
280 REM 20 "term inst2" seq - more instructions for 'terminal' pgms
290 REM 7 "term.i12" prg - m/l for terminal.i12
300 REM 7 "term.r12" prg - m/l to do terminal functions with intelcom
310 REM 8 "term.r12a/16" prg - machine language for autoterm/16
320 REM 18 "terminal doc" prg - description of terminal functions
330 REM 14 "terminal.i12" prg - terminal pgm for pet/cbm with 8010
340 REM 15 "terminal.r12" prg - steve punter's terminal program
350 REM 14 "terminal.s12" prg - term pgm for superpet w/ modem on serial
360 REM 4 "vt52.basic" prg - term pgm to run 8032/8010 as a vt52
370 REM 3 "vt52.bin" prg - m/l for vt52.basic
Some of the above might be on this disk image:
There's a 1 page manual for some of these programs (and a description) on page 48 of this TORPET newsletter:
I also found this old review for a terminal program:
and the manual is online here:
https://archive.org/stream/EHSSTCP/EHS STCP manual#page/n1/mode/2up
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