Yesterday we got a mouse messed RL01 out and cleaned it up. There was a pretty serious mouse nest behind the front panel, but it mostly stayed ahead of the cooling air screen. Some mess made it to the PSU area, but it's unclear if the mouse traversed the air:air heat exchanger, or if the cooling air filter disintegrated during transport and some of the mess migrated by inertia. This is one of the two I picked up after VCF East this year. Anyway, it's currently on the small Steelcase desk next to the H960 rack:
It's chewing on a scratch pack, above. I started with the "CAT pack,"
mentioned in the pack cleaning writeup from years ago, but the CAT pack is apparently failing. I kinda remember it being not great when RetroHacker_ and I started getting my first RL01 drives in shape. It has higher vibration than typical, and takes longer to go READY. It gives mixed hard and soft errors, but functions enough to start to give its directory listing (it had been
INITed and
CREATEd under XXDP when RetroHacker_ and I had it going), and the pack label and bad block tables are readable. I'm guessing the platter is off-center in the hub from dropping or something. I don't think it's warped, it looks nice and flat, and does not ping. Oh well!
Today we'll be using the scratch pack tested last night for the RL performance exerciser. Then we'll know if it's surviving well or not