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Is the old forum actually read only?


Veteran Member
Nov 7, 2005
It looks like some people are still posting there :unsure:
Are they the same posts that are here? Maybe they share the same database?
I could be mistaken, but I thought a couple weeks ago it was also not showing the old comments/content at all. Not sure that having them visible is a good think to get google looking in the right place.

Really needs to get any kind of automated redirect in there.
It's all about permissions. vbulletin is completely idiotic with this, and we have had major issues with getting them right. Right now they are set so that no users can post anything, so I have no idea how that user managed to post something, the permissions are set so that they should not have been able to.

We are looking into this in more detail. But thanks for the heads up.
I just tested and I am able to post on the old forum as well.
I think until Google has re-mapped everything that it should be READ only. But it's not READ only. That way if there are posts referenced from here people can follow them. If they can't be followed that doesn't help someone needing the information. I don't have a solution as I know
nothing about VBulletin. Unplugging it certainly won't allow following threads. I have noticed Google is now pointing to here for some things.
Is there some reason it has not been turned off completely by now?

My expectation was it would just get shut off compleatly and replaced by a hard redirect to the main page of the the new forum.
I believe it has been left up because people have linked to it in various forum posts & on websites. If the old forum goes away, all those links break.

just for kicks i went over there to see if i can post(yep no problem.. i can still post) the wdird thing is there are still a BUNCH of folks starting threads and answering threads... How can they all be unaware the forum has migrated? maybe you admins need a giant popup each time the old page is brought up or refreshed as some folks just dont know... weird